burning house
Authorities said three people were injured and 10 people were left homeless after a woman accidentally started a fire while trying to kill bed bugs, Dec. 9. In this photo, firefighters work to save burning houses along Linda Flora Drive during the Skirball Fire in Los Angeles, California, Dec. 6. Getty Images

A six-year-old boy was saved from a burning home on Greyton Road early Saturday morning by a Cleveland Heights police officer.

Patrolman Josh Robertson searched without hesitation at the scene of a fire and was able to locate the boy despite the heavy smoke through the moaning sounds he heard. He was able to successfully pull the boy, who was unconscious, out of the burning house. Watch the video of the rescue here.

The police officer did not escape the effects of smoke inhalation either.

The first responders and the family of the child were grateful that the boy recovered. Robertson said, "I couldn't see him, but I was just like looking...yeah...and I just grabbed him by the shirt and I started yanking man,"according to Fox News.

The child was brought to Hillcrest Hospital. Patrolman Robertson is seen as a local hero for his efforts in saving the child.