Himanshu Kalkar
Himanshu Kalkar

Visionary tech expert with a multifaceted journey from computer networking to pioneering advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), Himanshu Kalkar, has left no stone unturned in his prolific career. He has truly stood out not just for his accomplishments but for his relentless pursuit of staying ahead of the curve.

Mr. Kalkar's career trajectory is a testament to his keen eye for industry trends and his insatiable thirst for knowledge. Starting as a computer networker, he quickly rose through the ranks, leading teams and venturing into voiceover IP, software development, and big data. Each transition was marked by a strategic pivot, reflecting his adaptability and foresight. Sensing the immense possibilities latent in analytics and AI, he led the way in developing AI-enabled products and systems, revolutionizing large-scale maintenance of systems. This allows for proactive rather than reactive maintenance, saving millions in costs.

His journey epitomizes the fusion of technical expertise and product mindset with a profound understanding of business dynamics. Harnessing these synergies was made possible because of his Executive MBA, prompting him to leverage technological innovation as an enabler to drive business strategy. This technical expertise is a culmination of his work experience and a bachelor's and master's in Engineering.

Mr. Kalkar's vision crystallized further as he delved into healthcare analytics before assuming his current role as the head of products at a leading financial services firm. In his current capacity, Mr. Kalkar spearheads a global team focused on crafting end-to-end technological solutions, with a keen emphasis on AI integration. As he aptly says, "Everyone is looking for a big bang, but maybe a big bang is made up of many or several smaller bangs over the course of time. And I think the way to look at it is that I consider this major shift [in my career trajectory] as a result of many small turns."

Mr. Kalkar reflects on his upbringing and the importance of having a supportive family system. Having a supportive family allowed him to focus on his studies and make a better career. However, many underestimate the value of such a support system. He shares a personal experience where he himself realized the importance of the support system. In turn, he committed himself to providing it for others who don't have it. His colleague introduced him to a group of teenage underprivileged boys through a volunteer project. One of the boys was working in a mechanics workshop. When he asked about his studies and motivation, he explained that he didn't have time to study because he needed to make money. Through Kalkar's support, this individual was able to pursue his studies, showing that a strong support system is all it takes. Mr. Kalkar's many accolades, including the Presidential Voluntary Service Award bestowed by The White House, underscore his dedication to societal impact beyond professional realms.

Himanshu Kalkar with Hillary Clinton
Himanshu Kalkar with Hillary Clinton

Mr. Kalkar also highlights the importance of building a shared vision everyone believes in and telling the story at all levels. He explains that the same vision could have 20 different stories. "Hypothetically, the utility of a flying car could be different for a doctor versus a firefighter, and that has to be translated—same vision, two stories." As long as the execution is done in collaboration and with trusted leaders, it will definitely be a successful execution, and one will find themselves successful within the industry. He further emphasizes the importance of both looking up and looking down in professional careers. He believes, "People often focus on looking up without recognizing their progress." Without a bearing, one is like a dot on a map, unaware of their relative positioning.

Himanshu Kalkar won the Top 50 AI award at the National Diversity & Leadership Conference earlier this year, which shows how he has made a significant impact on the application of AI to enable scale across multiple industries. Looking ahead, this tech expert envisions AI as a transformative force that should augment human capabilities rather than supplement them. He even advocates for ethical AI deployment, emphasizing the importance of mitigating biases and encouraging collaboration between humans and machines.