American nationals in Turkey also were sent alerts by the U.S. Embassy in Ankara advising them to be cautious during the Christian holiday weekend.
Check out a few biblical passages and quotes to share this Easter.
The Republican presidential front-runner candidate will represent Judas during the Easter weekend.
Looking to put together and Easter basket filled with gifts? Check out our ideas that a great for both kids and adults.
Roman Catholic and many Protestant churches around the world will hold special services Thursday to commemorate Christ's final meal with his apostles.
Deviled eggs are still a must for many families on Easter Sunday.
The holiday is celebrated by almost all Christian denominations.
Ostara is similar in many ways to the Christian celebration of Easter.
The Eastern church celebrates the season in March, while Western churches will mark the end of the 40 days of Lent later this month with Easter celebrations.
The 40-day-period of penance, prayer and fasting begins Wednesday and ends March 26, the day before Easter.
Mardi Gras occurs the last day before the beginning of Lent, a period of fasting and repentance leading up to Easter.
A push to unify when Christians celebrate Easter could be implemented within five to 10 years.
Trust us, this Easter egg is a lot of fun -- especially with the volume turned up.
Other surveys have pointed to strong consumer morale, with inflation at zero and rising wages.
Other surveys have also reported rising consumer morale, as inflation has fallen to a record low and wages are starting to pick up.
Orthodox Christians across the world attended mass and exchanged painted eggs to celebrate Easter.
The Eastern Orthodox celebration shares fundamental similarities with the Western equivalent but with a few notable differences.
Egg rolling is a popular British tradition on Easter Monday. The winner must roll a hard-boiled egg down a hill the farthest.
Read Bible passages that tell the story of how believers and non-believers observed death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
You can paint your eggs, cover them with stickers or use a Sharpie for cool designs.
The average American will spend about $140 this year on Easter. Here are 15 ways to stretch your dollars.
There's more than one way to boil an egg for Easter.