Check out this easy recipe for Corned Beef and Cabbage in honor of St. Patrick’s Day.
Larger events and all parades have been canceled while smaller, local events are still scheduled.
Max Holloway and Conor McGregor fought in 2013 when the pair was 21 years old and 25 years old respectively.
The day is marked every year on March 17 to remember St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland and one of Christianity’s most famous figures.
Have a bad habit if opening too many tabs? Google has a surprise for you.
‘Pokémon Go’ players really wanted a St. Patrick’s Day event, and hope is fading fast for any sort of promotion. Why can’t we get a drunk Pikachu?
After a pint or two of green beer, tell your friends "I'm drunk," written "Tá me ar meisce" and pronounced "tah may air meeish-kah."
Trump, in his typical fashion, misspelled "Happy Lá Fheile Padraig." He added an "H."
The Google doodle for St. Patrick's day has gone through several different iterations throughout the years.
President Donald Trump's favorite Irish proverb might actually be a verse from a poem written by a Nigerian poet named Albashir Adam Alhassan.
Try out one of these drink recipes for St. Patrick's Day.
Snapchat and Instagram added stickers for St.Patrick's Day Friday.
Though they may be small in stature, according to legend leprechauns are notoriously tricky.
Is there any better way to wash down green eggs and ham other than with green beer?
Bars and restaurants all across the nation are offering specials in honor of St. Patrick.
‘Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered’ has been updated with a little luck of the Irish in a St. Patrick’s Day update. Log in now to get a new map, free Supply Drops and more.
Find out where to drink in LA on St. Patrick's Day.
From the cities with the best traditions to the best March weather, these are the top 10 cities in the U.S. to party in for St. Patrick's Day.
It's set to run from 11 a.m. to about 4:30 p.m. EDT on Thursday along Fifth Avenue in Manhattan.
You may be surprised at how dramatically different today’s St. Patrick’s Day celebrations are from the true origins of the Irish holiday.
A severe geomagnetic storm created spectacular aurora in the Northern Hemisphere.
A powerful geomagnetic storm has led to spectacular display for St. Patrick's Day.