Highway photo shoot
Around Us/YouTube

A couple caused a backup and anger when they stopped traffic on a Houston highway for an impromptu photo shoot.

The incident reportedly took place around 7 p.m. last Friday. It left drivers fuming as they were forced to come to a halt while the pair took pictures in the middle of the busy road.

"Not only are you in a place with moving traffic, in that specific area, you are on an elevated road," Jodi Silva, a spokesperson for the police department told Houston Public Media. "You are definitely in danger."

The situation escalated quickly, with drivers honking their horns and expressing frustration at the unexpected delay.

One witness described the chaotic scene on social media, saying, "I was driving on 59S around 7 p.m. on Friday. A couple had apparently walked into the middle of traffic to film videos and do a photo shoot." The witness continued, "Traffic was piling up behind us, and people were angrily shouting and honking at them. They laughed and waved as they dashed back to their car to drive off."

The incident was captured in a dashcam video, showing the couple walking on the highway while a long line of vehicles formed behind them. The footage revealed the man filming the woman as she posed on the asphalt, seemingly unaware of—or indifferent to—the growing irritation from other drivers.

The photo of the couple's stunt quickly made its way to Reddit, sparking a wave of criticism. Many users condemned the pair for their thoughtless behavior, with one commenter calling it a case of "main character syndrome." Another user described the act as "pure narcissism," highlighting the increasing trend of people prioritizing their social media image over public safety.

Motorists caught in the jam expressed outrage at the reckless behavior. In one dashcam video, a driver can be heard cursing as the couple poses in the middle of the highway. The video shows a massive line of cars at a standstill, with drivers honking and shouting in frustration.

Couple blocking highway

This isn't the first time a highway in Houston has been used as a backdrop for a personal moment. In 2015, Vidal Valladares shut down traffic on another interstate to propose to his girlfriend. He faced legal consequences, including charges of obstruction of a highway and community service.

Reflecting on his actions at the time, Valladares said, "I'm feeling bad, and, of course, I just wanted to apologize to everyone if I caused any problems. That wasn't my intention. I just wanted to do something different."