Blizzard Nemo might blast the Northeast this weekend. Reuters

The Northeast is getting ready to brace for two ferocious storm systems that will reportedly converge overnight and possibly create a historic blizzard, CNN reported.

The snowy blast is expected to hit the country Thursday night, when it might dump 1 foot of snow in New York and possibly 3 feet of snow in Boston, Mass.

"If you are on the highway and you are stuck, you are putting yourself in danger," CNN Meteorologist Chad Myers said.

Massachusetts Emergency Management officials explained to CNN on Thursday they were already salting roadways to prepare for the incoming snowy mess.

"Travel may become nearly impossible with blowing/drifting snow and near-zero visibility during the height of the storm (Friday afternoon into Saturday morning)," the agency said in a statement.

"Motorized vehicles are asked to stay off the roads if they can during the storm to allow snow plows to clear the roads."

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg reported his city was getting ready for the alleged blizzard as well, seeing the silver lining for municipal workers.

"If it's going to happen, having it happen Friday overnight into Saturday is probably as good timing as we could have," Bloomberg said. "The sanitation department then has the advantage of being able to clean the streets when there's normally less traffic."

Here are some tips to prepare for the storm, courtesy of the Fun Times Guide:

1. Stay Up To Date With Local Newscasts

Plenty of people are complacent when it comes to storms, and others would rather worry about the storm when it happens, but these are two of the worst attitudes to have. If a storm is being called a blizzard, it’s best to prepare ahead of time. Worst comes to worst, you’re already prepared for the next storm.

2. Heavy Blankets

Chances are that in a severe snow storm, people are going to lose power, so having plenty of heavy blankets will help keep you and your family safe and warm.

3. Flashlights, Batteries, Candles and Lights

Sticking with the power-might-go-out trend, make sure you have a bunch of batteries and flashlights. Relying on candles should be a last resort, since you could accidentally start a fire.

4. Charge Cell Phones Ahead Of Time

If a severe storm hits, a cell phone could be the only contact you have with the outside world, and, in case there’s an emergency, you’re going to want to be able to call for help.

5. Stock Up On Nonperishables

It seems like a given, but you never know how long a blizzard is going to last. Canned goods like pork and beans are best, since they don’t need to be heated. Fruits like apples and bananas, bread, margarine and even low-calorie chips and cookies are all good commodities to stock up on since they don’t need to be refrigerated.

6. Bottled Water

The average person uses about a gallon of water a day, so it’s good to stock up on lots of bottled water.

7. Stay Inside

It could see enticing to jump into the fluffy white stuff, especially if you’re someone who loves snow, but in extreme weather conditions, people can get lost in a blizzard just a few feet from their homes. Plus, you risk frostbite and hypothermia since extreme winter storms typically bring below-freezing temperatures.

8. Entertainment

One of the cool things about being cooped up in your home with everyone is a little time together. Board games, puzzles, cards and even craft projects could all help pass time. Had enough of everyone? A good old book will never fail.

9. Turn Off Heat In Unoccupied Rooms

Turn off the heat in rooms that are unoccupied, and shut the doors, too. This way you can preserve as much heat as possible in your home in case the power goes out.

10. Gas

Have a full tank of gas!