How To Detect Thyroid Cancer? 'Inside Edition' Host Deborah Norville To Undergo Surgery Thanks To A Viewer's Help
Deborah Norville is undergoing surgery to have a cancerous thyroid nodule removed all thanks to the keen eye of a viewer.
Norville, who hosts “Inside Edition” discovered she had the nodule when a concerned viewer pointed it out to the host. Norville, who took to the show’s YouTube account to tell viewers of her pending surgery, was thankful to the audience member that spotted it.
She said, “We live in a world of see something, say something, and I'm really glad we do.
“When you work on television, viewers comment on everything. Your hair, your makeup, the dress you’re wearing. And a long time ago an 'Inside Edition' viewer reached out to say she’d seen something on my neck. It was a lump.”
Norville discussed her medical treatment with viewers and addressed why she will be absent from the show for a period of time.
“For years, it was nothing,” she said. “Until recently, it was something. The doctor says it’s a very localized form of cancer, which tomorrow, I’ll have surgery to have removed. There will be no chemo, I’m told no radiation; but I will have surgery and I’ll be away for a bit, so Diane (McInerney) will be holding down the fort.”
Thyroid cancer typically develops as a lump in the middle of her neck that may grow quickly or cause swelling in the neck. Other symptoms that can develop including trouble breathing, trouble swallowing, a constant cough, or pain in the front of the neck that may rise up to the ears.
According to the American Cancer Society, thyroid cancer mostly affects women over the age of 40, but it can also develop in men and women of any age. A person that finds a lump or is concerned about symptoms of thyroid cancer should seek the medical assistance of a physician.
Norville also asked viewers for prayers for both her and her surgeons.
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