Ahead of the official release of Firefox 6 tomorrow, the code for the latest Mozilla browser is already available.

A blogger spotted that Firefox 6 has been available for Download on Windows, Mac and Linux via Mozilla FTP servers, since at least Aug. 13. A soft launch of its browser via its FTP server has been a common scenario for Mozilla in recent months.

While Firefox 6 does not bring any new changes to its User Interface, a new version comes with speed improvement, almost 20% faster than the previous Firefox 5. Other changes include extended CSS and HTML 5 support, WebSocket support, and a plug-in compatibility checker to the add-ons manager.

Here is the code for the software:




On the same day, Mozilla is releasing a beta version of Firefox as well as pushing out an early build of Firefox 8. Each browser release comes with much smaller tweaks, according to the browser maker.

According to Reuters, the global market of web browsers in July was distributed as such: Internet Explorer with 42 percent, Firefox with 28 percent and Chrome with 22. Apple's Safari brower had 5 percent of the market, while Opera had 2 percent.

Mozilla is currently planning to create a mobile browser to run on smartphones in a project named "Boot 2 Gecko."