raspberries to help get rid of visceral fat
raspberries to help get rid of visceral fat Couleur - Pixabay


  • Getting rid of visceral fat is very important due to the danger that it poses to the body
  • There are ways that you can get rid of visceral fat and among them is eating certain kinds of foods
  • These three foods can help in getting rid of the harmful belly fat 

If you are wondering how to get rid of visceral fat, then you are not alone. Men and women today have become more health-conscious, and many of them are now trying to find means to get rid of visceral fat. This fat is very dangerous as it is the one that is unseen, but it is the closest to the vital organs.

Health experts have time and again stated that getting rid of visceral fat is very important. When there is excessive visceral fat, you are prone to suffer health complications. This would include increasing your risk of having type 2 diabetes. It also increases your risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases, both of which could literally wreak havoc to your daily routines.

The good thing is that there are certain foods that could help in getting rid of visceral fat. Health experts recommend eating these foods in moderation. These foods are not calorie-packed treats and could help keep you feeling full longer, helping you abstain from reaching out for another bite of a yummy treat.


It cannot be denied that fructose is an ingredient that you must abhor, especially if you are diabetic. However, there is also a good kind of fructose, and this is found in whole foods like fruits.

Raspberries are among the foods that you should go after when you want to get rid of visceral fat. Whether fresh or frozen, these fruits contain tons of fiber, which could help in reducing belly fat. A bonus when you eat raspberries is that it helps in regulating the insulin response of the body.

Coconut oil

As per Express’ report, coconut oil does not create a negative impact on the lipid levels of the blood. It is even said to help reduce belly fat.

Health experts state that coconut oil has belly-fat fighting properties. This oil has triglycerides, which the body metabolizes quickly. Because of this, there is a lesser chance for it to be stored as fat. This was the statement of Euphebe’s executive director of Nutrition and Strategic Development, Kayleen St. John.


This may be the best friend of those who want to get rid of visceral fat. According to a study that was published in the International Journal of Obesity, those who consumed two eggs during breakfast and are following a low-calorie diet were able to lose 65% more weight compared to those who had bagels. They were also able to reduce their waist size by 34%.

So if you want to get rid of visceral fat, try to eat these foods. You may just see and feel the difference sooner than you expected.