‘How I Met Your Mother’ Season 9 Spoilers: Lily Spills Her Secret And Robin Gets Cold Feet In Episode 20; What Happened In 'Daisy'? [RECAP]

“How I Met Your Mother” is inching toward its series finale, which means fans of the long-running CBS show are getting closer and closer to finding out how exactly the comedy will end. And after episode 19, “Vesuvius,” lovers of Craig Thomas and Carter Bay’s work are getting worried that “HIMYM” might end on a tear-jerking note.
Rumors have been circulating that the Mother will meet her death during the final episode of “HIMYM,” but the actress who plays the role of Ted’s wife (Cristin Milioti) called that theory just plain “crazy.” Although we’re not sure whether or not that was her poker face, we’re still not dismissing the rumor before the series finale airs.
Did episode 20, “Daisy,” give fans any more clues regarding the Mother’s death theory? Well, not exactly, but Monday night’s episode did have some pretty crazy twists.
Episode 20 essentially surrounded the storyline of what happened to Lily the night she and Marshall got into a fight. The argument was so heated that we saw Lily take off. But where did she go? While the bros hung out on the morning of Barney and Robin’s wedding, we heard Billy Zabka confess that he spotted Marshall’s wife get into a car with the license plate “Ahoy.”
Completely livid, Marshall pondered why Lily was hanging out with the Captain at 3 in the morning. Eventually the group contemplates the thought of Marvin’s mom cheating. That’s when Barney asked Marshall if he wanted to go to the Captain’s house to punch him in the face. The soon-to-be lawyer says yes.
But that wasn’t the only drama occurring on Robin’s big day. The bride and her mother had a heart-to-heart regarding Robin’s jitters that worsened when her mother tried to calm her down.
“On my wedding day, Robin’s father disappeared for three hours. He later emerged from the woods with an elk over his shoulder. I didn’t even know there were elk in Bermuda!” she cried. When Robin learned her future husband had gone off on an adventure, she couldn’t help but compare her future husband to her father. Talk about daddy issues.
In hopes of proving her daughter wrong, Robin’s mom explained the “red flags” she saw that should have been a warning not to marry him.
“He was engaged to an exotic dancer, he used to try and impress women by dressing up like an aristocrat, then posing next to a painted portrait of himself, he would always take his mother’s side, and during our rehearsal dinner, boy, did we have it out!” Realizing Robin’s mom was doing more harm than good, the redhead maid of honor tried to change the subject. But not before Robin’s mother blurted out that first the first 10 years knowing her husband, she didn’t even know what he did for a living.
While Robin is hyperventilating in her hotel room, Marshall is huffing and puffing with rage as he makes his way to the Captain's house. The angry husband punches the Captain square in the nose once the door is opened.
“I know something happened between you and Lily,” Marshall declared. But the Captain was confused. See, he is currently engaged to Robin’s former co-host and Ted’s ex-girlfriend “boats, boats, boats” girl.
“Nothing inappropriate happened between me and your wife. She went to the powder room and when she came out she had to leave right away,” he explained.
At that moment, Lily calls Barney to ask where he is, considering his bride is about to have a meltdown. He admits that they’re at the Captain's house. “I am so busted,” she said to herself after hanging up.
Busted? Whoa, what exactly happened while Lily was at the Captain's? Right then, Ted answers our burning question by having a flashback of Lily chewing gum and claiming she had a secret.
“I just solved a mystery,” the excited best man said. “Lily has a secret. She’s hiding something. And I know what it is.”
Instead of blurting out what he discovered, he leaves his friends hanging in anticipation.
“Oh my God. Will you just tell us?” Barney shouts.
“We can all agree this is the first time I ever step foot into this house, correct? Does your powder room face out into the ocean?” Ted asked the Captain. “And if I walk into the powder room is there a potted plant. A daisy—not traditionally and in door plant, but it gets light with southern exposure.”
Hoping Ted would cut to the chase, his friends urged him to continue what he discovered.
“A simple question: When Lily and Marshall are apart for a long time, what is the one thing Lily always does?” Unable to answer Ted’s riddle, he finally reveals that Lily always smokes.
“Lily needed a cigarette after her fight with Marshall,” Ted explained. But according to his story, she didn’t want to smoke in front of her employer. Lily eventually found a safe place she could smoke and discard the cigarette: in the potted plant!
But instead of finding a cigarette, Ted pulled out a used and positive pregnancy test.
“Guys, we have to go back to the hotel,” Marshall said.
He and his wife embrace each other.
“I told you guys I could keep a secret,” she said, nearly in tears.
At that moment Barney finally gets to meet his fiancée’s mother—with a hug!
“A hugger? He’s nothing like your dad,” she assures Robin.
Lily and Marshall then have one last argument about Italy.
“You’re going to live your dream because you’re giving me mine—again,” Marshal said sweetly. Lily then spills a secret, saying she thinks they’re having a girl.
As everyone’s favorite couple celebrates their news, Robin’s mom takes the blushing bride outside to give her a last minute pep talk about marriage.
“You’re going to be fine,” she said. “Marriage is terrifying. It’s like flying. You’re filled with this mortal dread. But you found someone you can depend on. You’re going to be fine. Don’t you have someone like that?”
“I do,” Robin said. But the way she said that gave us reason to believe she’s not talking about Barney. Could Robin be referring to Ted?
Episode 20 then ends with a look into the future. Lily and Marshall are thriving with their new life in Italy, accompanied by Lily’s dad, his girlfriend, Marvin and their daughter — Daisy.
What did you think of tonight’s episode from “How I Met Your Mother”? Let us know in the comments section below.
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