• Coronavirus, as per scientists, transmits through airborne droplets
  • This is why social distancing is advocated by many health agencies of the government
  • Experts believe that this amount of time spent standing next to a COVID-19 case is enough for you to be infected

In the last 24 hours, cases of coronavirus infections in the UK have skyrocketed, prompting health officials to perform immediate contact tracing of the newly infected. The government has also seriously considered a delay plan, which includes, among others, implementing social distancing. This is identified as a critical step to slow down the spread of the virus.

The lingering question, however, is how long can you stand close to a confirmed COVID-19 case before you get the infection yourself? Experts gave their answers.

A Forbidding Forecast

Health experts predict that the coronavirus outbreak will become more widespread in the coming days. The latest increase in fatalities solidifies these fears.

coronavirus how long will it take to be infected standing next to a covid19 case
coronavirus how long will it take to be infected standing next to a covid19 case Free-Photos - Pixabay

In the last 24 hours, 83 new Britons have tested positive for the infection. This places the current number of UK cases at 456. The rapid increase highlights the importance of keeping a social distance to slow down the spread of the virus.

Social Distancing

A simple, yet profoundly important concept, social distancing was conceptualized based on the present understanding of the virus. Scientists believe the virus spreads through sneeze and cough droplets. This means that the closer you are to an infected person, the higher are your chances of catching the infection.

A vital element of social distancing is limiting the amount of time spent next to a person infected by the deadly virus. It is also imperative for you to keep a safe distance from an infected patient.

A Relatively Short Time

Public Health England has revealed that spending fifteen minutes or more within two meters of a person infected with the virus increases your risk of catching an infection. This is why social distancing, which the government is requiring everyone to adopt, is very important.

According to health experts, if everyone observes this measure, it can slow down the transmission rate in any community and, at the same time, flatline the curve. At the same time, this will also lessen the pressure put on hospitals and will also allow the scientific community more time to develop a vaccine. It will also give the government time to formulate more effective response measures.

Identifying An Infected Person

For sure, no one on a train station will carry a placard declaring that he or she is infected. In fact, there is even a chance the infected person may not even know they already have the infection. This is because coronavirus symptoms are very much similar to other common and less-serious illnesses like flu and cold.

This is where extra vigilance comes in. You need to observe who among the people around you are showing symptoms commonly associated with a coronavirus infection. Major symptoms of coronavirus infections include having a cough, experiencing shortness of breath, and having a high temperature.