Donald Trump and his wife, Melania, are pictured at Central Park's Wollman Rink in April 2011
Donald Trump and his wife, Melania, are pictured at Central Park's Wollman Rink in April 2011 GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA / Andy Kropa


  • Donald Trump and Melania Trump's body language changed recently
  • Melania Trump and Donald Trump's body language suggests they are equal
  • Donald Trump and Melania Trump's relationship recently changed 

Melania Trump and Donald Trump have been married for 15 years, but it was only last year that things seemingly changed between the couple.

When the POTUS got elected in 2016, he and the FLOTUS still seemed affectionate towards each other. The first couple was photographed holding hands and kissing each other’s cheeks on multiple occasions.

Trump, who is a famed business, was used to being the center of attention. And the first lady didn’t seem to mind staying in the sidelines for the sake of the POTUS. But according to body language expert Judi James, all of these changed recently.

“There was a turning point in Melania’s body language that suggested she finally saw herself as a fully-fledged FLOTUS with popularity and status in her own right. Instead of shadowing her husband, spontaneous looking waves and direct connections to her audience suggest growing confidence and a growing lack of wariness about upstaging Trump,” James told Express.

When Melania finally settled into her role as the first lady, James said that this was the moment when her body language suggested that she’s felt more equal with her husband. The body language expert revealed that the POTUS didn’t seem to mind that he and his wife are equal. After all, the couple considers themselves as a team.

“Melania seemed to drop the model posing and opted for a pseudo-military stance instead, using symmetric poses with her shoulders squared and arms straight down at her sides. The mirroring between the Trumps present them as equals and very much a team of two, with the handclasp hinting at a desire to signal affection and agreement,” James said.

However, not everyone agrees with the body language’s interpretation of Trump and Melania’s relationship. On Twitter, at least one netizen is convinced that the couple is not in a happy marriage.

“Melania looks very unhappy. He’s so disrespectful to her. That’s not a happy marriage at all. It’s all over her face. She has those big shades on for a reason. She’s probably been crying. She has a monster of a husband. Donald, you need to be better by her. Not a good look,” Twitter user @mrsviwilliams said.