How Nile Saïd Provides Strategies & Tactics That Propel People & Organizations To Greater Capacity For Success
Nile Saïd, Founder of GoOneUp and Competitive Capacity Coach, is on a mission to help people and organizations see beyond having just the capabilities to avoid and address adversities, but help them develop the capacity to thrive in any situation.
Business, leadership, and personal coaching have shown and proven their importance in mainstream society in recent years. As coaches and similar services are available all over the world, it can be hard to distinguish what truly sets them apart from each other. Saïd recognized this and has developed his own approach to understanding each individual's unique needs, and he has distinguished himself based not only on his own personal experiences, but also on the many modalities he has studied.
"The awareness and importance of mental health and self-awareness are being discussed today more than ever as it should, but we're seeing cases every day where people are missing the early warning signs and I don't want others to experience the breakdown I did," says Saïd.
As a Competitive Capacity Coach, his approach involves working with his clients using a unique and personalized focus. "Perspective is everything," he says. He shows and guides limiting perspectives out of unresourceful states transforming them into potential opportunities, which he says can catapult improvements into other areas of one's life.
When working with small to medium-sized businesses, Saïd helps restructure their systems and processes, which can increase revenue, prevent depleting resources and reduce costs. The restructuring process involves using a method that targets personal development, human behavior and ideation in the areas of business development.
Through preliminary client discussions and discovery, Saïd uncovers unique skill sets that people may tend to overlook and helps them build upon those skill sets to create new opportunities that propel his clients into newfound success. Some of his initiatives involve working with people who are feeling stagnant, uncreative and uncertain about where they are in their lives and professionally, which often leads to dismay. He helps people develop methods that enable them to reveal and utilize their strengths and passions to begin building greater paths to a successful and sustainable lifestyle, increasing one's bandwidth while limiting moments of uncertainty.
With keeping the idea of 'personal capacity' in mind, Saïd's methods and strategies involve progress that's in line with the clients' needs, working incrementally through steps that are designed to give people the necessary tools, tactics and personal resourcefulness that develops into a plan for success. The GoOneUp approach of incremental steps provides a method for businesses and individuals to increase their potential, while maintaining their positive personal beliefs, and keeping self-sabotage at bay.
Before becoming a personal and business strategist and coach in 2009, Saïd rode the highs and lows of the dot-com boom and then held training and development, and content development positions in a corporate setting. Feeling underwhelmed and underutilized in corporate, he began his career as an entrepreneur. He went on to become one of just six Canadian master fitness trainers for an internationally recognized fitness program and soon also launched an ecommerce and nationwide fulfillment operation where he grew it to a multi-million dollar business.
In an unfortunate turn of events Saïd suffered a nervous breakdown in 2017. While he was experiencing this turmoil he came to realize that it takes more than capability to thrive. At the time, not being able to communicate, finish his thoughts and was gripped with social anxiety, he says, "I learned that it's one's capacity that precedes one's capabilities to be great."
Healing and redeveloping himself out of his nervous breakdown, Saïd reshaped his approach to his days by completing simple tasks every day. Saïd recalls, "I didn't want to become a prisoner of my bed, so I simply did what I could, made my bed, brushed my teeth and washed up. That and everything that followed each day, was a win."

Building on his mini-wins and personal development success, Saïd overcame his struggles through his nervous breakdown and utilized his 30 plus years of experience in the areas of personal development, human behavior and ideation business development to found GoOneUp. Saïd founded other ventures, including the world's first and only immersive Mount Kilimanjaro personal development experience, The Ultimate Life Climb.
"My goal is to help people and companies prevent burnout, utilize their resourcefulness and for them to not even come close to the possibility of a nervous breakdown, as I did. Growth is what will propel them to live a fulfilling life whether an entrepreneur or not," says Saïd. "I know things can get very difficult in life and sometimes it seems like there's no way out, but I want to show people how there's always a way by finding our truths, passionate goals and missions and build on them to achieve success on their terms."