How To Trick Your Dog Into Drinking More Water
Dogs need adequate hydration for better digestion and overall health. In general, canines require drinking about a cup of water per 10 pounds of body weight. However, pooches often refuse to intake that amount of water, much to their owner's annoyance.
Dogs are fairly moody, which is why they need water to be available all the time so that they can indulge whenever they are thirsty. But this doesn't imply that your dog isn't always drinking enough water, it's just that their intake capacity has to increase on comparatively hotter days to prevent hazards like kidney problems, urinary tract infections and other health issues.
However, a lot of cajoling doesn't always go down well with dogs as they can end up being more stubborn. The owners, hence, are left with only the choice of duping the pooches into drinking water.
Below are some creative tricks you can use to get your dog to drink more water.
- Build it a doggy drinking fountain: Your playful pup may already be bored with drinking water straight from a bowl. To take their hydration experience to a whole new level, get them a doggy drinking fountain that is equipped with filters and is therefore capable of removing any taste or odor that your dog possibly dislikes.
- Make your pooch some ice pops: Buy some ice pop molds in creative dog-friendly designs and make ice pops for your pooch to lick on. You can also infuse the pops with some fruity flavors so that the canines love licking them even more.
- Get it to drink smoothies: If you love drinking smoothies, make some extra for your dog. Just make sure you are not adding more sugar. Dogs are generally lactose intolerant but adding a small amount of yogurt will not harm. The probiotics in the yogurt will aid in digestion while the smoothie will supplement the lack of water.
- Offer water to your dog from your hand: A doggo needs extra water when they are done playing at a park. But at times, it becomes hard for an owner to convince them to drink more water. In such a situation, offering some water to your dog right from your hand might just work as the canine will like the idea of the boring travel bowl being replaced with a cupped hand.