Friends show
The popular comedy show "Friends" will be moving off Netflix with WarnerMedia reclaiming the rights for its own "HBO Max" streaming service. AFP/Angela Weiss

When 2020 begins, Netflix subscribers will be saying goodbye to “Friends” as the sitcom will no longer be available on the streaming platform. HBO Max will soon become the home for all the seasons of “Friends.” Until the streamer launches later in 2020 though, there are still other ways to check out the beloved show.

Netflix first ordered all the seasons of the NBC hit show in 2015, but after five years, the show will off the table from the streaming giant. For the next five months, no other streaming service will have “Friends” available to watch in its entirety. For now, viewers can still watch the show digitally from retailers like iTunes, YouTube, and Amazon, according to People.

If you want to buy the entire series, you can pay $140 on iTunes. Over on YouTube, individual seasons are available to purchase for $19.99 each. Amazon is also offering a similar deal as YouTube, selling each episode for $2.99 and each season for $19.99. If you want to own a physical copy of the show, Amazon has a Blu-ray set that retails for $117.78.

With “Friends” no longer on Netflix, it’ll still live on via HBO Max once it launches in May. Along with that, there has been news going around that an unscripted reunion special could release on the upcoming platform with the original cast and creators. Star Jennifer Aniston first teased it on "The Late Show With Stephen Colbert" in October, saying that "something" is in the works. A picture of the cast was even posted on Aniston’s Instagram page before the announcement, though nothing has been finalized regarding news on that front.