Huge Snake 'Sticks Head Out' Of Toilet, Slithers Onto Bathroom Vanity Before Shocked Home Owner

A woman from Cairns, Australia, was taken aback after finding two huge pythons in two of her bathrooms over the weekend.
Speaking to Courier Mail, Nicole Errey said she returned home from work Friday night and went to the bathroom. She got the fright of her life when she found a “dark thing” inside the toilet.
"I came in from work, went in to the bathroom … my toilet lid was open — I looked and there was this dark thing in the toilet. The snake just stuck its head out,” she said.
Errey immediately alerted the Cairns Snake Removals. An officer arrived and removed the python from the toilet.
However, just when she took a sigh of relief, Errey found another snake in the other bathroom. Errey's sister had arrived at her home the following day to stay over and used the other bathroom. Before leaving for a night out, Errey decided to go around the home to check if all windows were closed. However, when entered the other bathroom, she found a water python.
“I looked in and went, 'Oh, you got to be kidding me!’” she said.
She again informed the Cairns Snake Removals and an officer named Dave Walton removed the reptile from the bathroom.
In a Facebook post, Walton said, “Two nights in a row I have been called to the same property for a snake in the toilet. Each time it's been a water python. But never two-in-two days at the same address. The first snake was out of the toilet by the time I got there and up on the vanity. The second call, the snake was sitting in the bowl.”