SOL 2334
This image was taken by MAST_RIGHT onboard NASA's Mars rover Curiosity on Sol 2334 (2019-03-01T02:51:04.000Z) NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS


  • A UFO expert spotted an alien relic on Mars
  • The relic may have come from an ancient statue
  • The sculpture has the same facial features of humans

A UFO expert claimed to have spotted an ancient alien relic on Mars through one of the photos taken by Mars on the Red Planet. According to the expert, the relic looks like a head of a statue.

The strange sighting was made by Scott Waring of ET Data Base. He spotted the object through the website Gigapan, which features panoramic photos of Mars. According to the photo that caught Waring’s attention, it was taken by NASA’s Curiosity rover on SOL 2334, which is equivalent to around Feb. 28, 2019.

The photo features a barren hill on Mars. Near the top of the hill are large rocks and other natural formations. After zooming in on these rocks, Waring spotted a couple of strange objects that he believes are ancient alien relics. One of these is a large rectangular-like object, which Waring thinks could be a fallen statue. Beside this is a round object that looks like a sculpture of a head.

The object, which he believes is a head of a statue, has several features that resemble those of a human face. Although both have slightly similar features, Waring noted that the object has a very different shape compared to that of a human head.

“I was looking at some mars photos when I found this highly detailed face on the hilltop,” Waring wrote in a blog post. “I actually noticed the huge fallen statue in front of it first, then the face after. The face looks human-like because of the shape of its face and hair.”

“The face has a human-like eyebrow ridge, closed eyes, nose, cheek wrinkles, lips, and mouth,” he added. “The detail is remarkable. The only visible difference in the face is that the head is more circle-shaped rather than oval-shaped.”

According to Waring, the alleged statue and other relics he spotted in the photo may have come from an ancient alien civilization that once lived on Mars. The UFO expert believes sculpture he discovered could provide clues regarding the physical feature of the alien race that once thrived on the Red Planet.