Chinese authorities are considering a new policy that will prohibit any musician without a college degree from performing in the country. According toThe Guardian, the decision emerged after Elton John dedicated a performance to controversial artist Ai Weiwei in November.
China’s culture minister, Cai Wu has purportedly demanded that only foreign artists that hold a degree be allowed to perform concerts.
In a logical leap that we don't fully understand, the dedication has prompted Chinse agencies to "further hesitate in future when they invite foreign artists," the state-run Chinese newspaper the Global Times said in an editorial. According to the Guardian, John's endorsement of the controversial artist directly led to the Chinese culture minister's demand that all forgeign artist must have university degrees in order to be invited to perform in China.
Though we are hoping such a ridiculous prohibition could not possibly become a reality, we hit the books to find out what U.S. recording artists would make the cut.