Trump's Halt On CFPB Raises Big Concerns: Will Key Consumer Protections Survive?
Founded in 2011 after the 2008 financial crisis, the CFPB is tasked with regulating consumer finance, including overseeing credit card companies, mortgage lenders, and debt collectors.
Who Is Steve Bullock? Presidential Candidate May Be The Democrats' Version Of John McCain
Montana Gov. Steve Bullock Enters Demo field for White House, promising executive order on campaign finance reform his first day on the job.
After Citizens United Got Halfway There, This Lawsuit Aims To Finish The Job
The return of soft money? A federal lawsuit aims to undo regulations on political party fundraising.
Hillary Clinton Plans To Raise Money From Industries With Interests Before The Next President
The Democrat's campaign is set to hold fundraisers with corporate officials whose industries will be affected by the next president's policies.
Midterms 2014: What Happens To Leftover Campaign Funds?
Candidates can’t take the leftover campaign money for themselves, but they do have a few options.
Koch Brothers Try To Prove They Are Transparent By Revealing More Secrecy
A previously little-known group with ties to the billionare Koch brothers gave $236 million to conservative groups in 2012.
First PACs, Then Super PACs -- Now, Get Ready for 'Super Super PAC'
PACs and super PACs can now join forces under an umbrella organization, allowing them to donate directly to political candidates while also spending unlimited sums to promote or oppose candidates of their choice.
Stephen Colbert Super PAC Approved by FEC
Stephen Colbert has won the right to use his television program to raise money for a Political Action Committee, a development that vindicates his satirical campaign but could have large implications for campaign finance reform.