The Republican senator took the lead on the issue of drones and civil liberties, while Democrats kept mum.
The Icelandic government cited the lasting damaging effects of porn on women and children.
Three generations of the same family, from a grandmother who saw Martin Luther King's "I Have A Dream" speech to her 2-year-old grandson, came to see the president being sworn in.
The law has been targeted plenty of times, but the U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case addressing the issue for the second time in three years.
Richard Gere's new movie "Arbitrage" reminds fans of the actor why he has become one of their Hollywood favorites. During interviews with the Huffington Post and on talk shows, Gere divulged some inside information about the movie and admitted that he was disappointed when he was snubbed at the 2003 Oscars.
Muslims, who form a 4 percent minority in Myanmar as a whole, are concentrated in Rakhine and are part of a community called the Rohingya.
The U.S. Department of Justice is suing Florida to stop its drive to remove what it says are ineligible voters from their rolls, and Florida is suing Homeland Security.
Opponents say the ballot initiative, up for a vote on Tuesday, could potentially exempt religious people and groups from discrimination laws in the name of their faith.
Florida Governor Rick Scott vowed on Wednesday to continue a disputed effort to purge ineligible voters from the rolls, defying a federal order to halt the process.
The bill will likely die on the Senate floor without Republican support.
Gov. Rick Scott announced the name's of Florida officials charged with reviewing investigating citizen safety in relation to the controversial self-defense law.
The conservative American Legislative Exchange Council disbanded a task force that had advocated for “Stand Your Ground” laws in states as well as voter identification laws.
A 52-year old U.C Irvine assistant medical school professor is claiming that Johnny Depp's bodyguards injured her at an Iggy and the Stooges performance at the Hollywood Palladium last December. The woman, who walks with a cane and is identified in the lawsuit papers as Jane Doe, alleges that the bodyguards violently restrained her while trying to restrict her from accessing the VIP section, reported Los Angeles Times.
The rock band Rush demanded that the conservative commentator with whom they share name stop playing their music following the Sandra Fluke controversy.
Conservatives are attacking the media for underplaying President Barack Obama's relationship with Professor Derrick Bell after the so-called bombshell video Andrew Breitbart promised before his death was finally released.
A Minnesota school district that came to crystallize a national debate about anti-gay bullying has agreed to institute broad new protections for students.
Rick Tyler accuses Democrats of wanting to abort black babies while arguing Gingrich has not made disparaging remarks about the African American community.
Following a police raid of Occupy Wall Street in the early hours of Tuesday morning, lawyers have filed in lawsuit in Suffolk Superior Court to protect the First Amendment rights of Occupy Boston protesters.
Oakland Deputy Mayor Sharon Cornu resigned from her position only hours after Mayor Jean Quan's legal adviser announced his resignation on Twitter.
While Steve Jobs' death is being talked by many and posts of “Steve Jobs RIP” are piling up in Twitter, Westboro Baptist Church is planning to picket at the Apple co-founder’s funeral, although the funeral details have not been revealed to the public.
The Obama administration on Wednesday asked the U.S. Supreme Court to back the centerpiece of Barack Obama's sweeping healthcare overhaul -- the requirement that all Americans have health insurance.
A police officer allegedly fatally shot a 14-year-old boy involved in a fight at a school bus stop, the teen's mother said in federal court.