This chart shows the Democratic presidential candidates with the highest Q2 fundraising (July 15, 2019). IBT/Statista

Once a fundraising leader among Democratic presidential candidates, former Texas Rep. Beto O'Rourke only managed to collect $3.6 million during the second quarter of the year, which saw him tumble behind his competitors. During the first 18 days of his presidential campaign, O'Rourke raised an impressive $9.4 million. His weak fundraising performance in Q2 is in line with his tumbling polling.

South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg is popular among wealthy Silicon Valley donors and he led the pack in Q2 with $24.8 million. Former Vice President Joe Biden came second with $21.5 million while Elizabeth Warren experienced a dramatic improvement, making triple the amount as Q1 - $19.1 million.