Infographic: The Most Watched Games On Twitch

On average, more than 237,000 people watched someone play Grand Theft Auto V (GTA V) on Twitch in June. The video game, which is now almost eight years old, still knows how to inspire the masses thanks to its extensive online mode, which is regularly updated. Consumers worldwide spent around 170.6 million viewer hours in front of a GTA V stream, as this infographic based on data from shows.
League of Legends was similarly popular in June - the MOBA game garnered around 147.6 million viewer hours last month. Shooters Call of Duty: Warzone (84.6 million) and Valorant (80.6 million) followed at some distance, as did video game classic Minecraft (72.4 million). The hype around the Battle Royale shooter Fortnite has flattened out considerably this year. While developer Epic Games' bandwagon was still number two in the same month last year and even ranked first among the most-watched Twitch games in 2019, Fortnite now only ranks sixth in 2021 with around 70.8 million viewer hours and an average of 98,473 viewers.