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The season 4 premiere of Spike’s reality tattoo series “Ink Master” is quickly approaching. On Tuesday, Feb. 25, fans will watch as 17 tattoo artists begin their battle to gain the title of “Ink Master,” an editorial feature in “Inked” magazine, and the $100,000 grand prize that goes along with it.
Host Dave Navarro will return to the judges panel along with “Miami Ink’s” Chris Nunez and Oliver Peck of Elm Street Tattoo. Human Canvases will continue having a say in who gets sent home each week, however season 4 is boasting an interesting new twist – the winner of each week’s Elimination Tattoo challenge “will also get to put an artist up for elimination.” Game on.
Fans of the reality show already know that eliminated season 3 contestant Kyle Dunbar will have a second chance to fight for the “Ink Master” title, but the Flint, MI artist has some stiff competition this year. Check out the slideshow to learn more about the new cast before season 4 of “Ink Master” premieres on Spike on Tuesday, Feb. 25 at 10 p.m.
Will you be watching? Let us know in the comments section or send a tweet to @AmandaTVScoop.
Walter "Sausage" Frank is a tattoo artist at Club Tattoo in Las Vegas, NV with 13 years of experience. He previously worked alongside season 3 winner Joey Hamilton. SpikeRandy Vollink (@randyvollink) is an artist at Club Tattoo in Scottsdale, AZ and has nine years of experience. He specializes in black and gray portraits and photorealism.SpikeRoland Pacheco (@Roland_Pacheco) has eight years of experience and is the owner of Xisle Custom Tattoo in Hawi, HI. SpikeMelissa Monroe has five years of experience and works at Homeward Bound Tattoo in Port Washington, WI. She enjoys doing pin ups and dark nature tattoos.SpikeScott Marshall (@smarshalltattoo) works at Roselle Tattoo Co. in Roselle, IL. He has 15 years of experience.SpikeKing Ruck is the owner of Black Spade Tattoo and Red Elephant Tattoo in Las Vegas, NV. He has six years of experience and is known for bright colors and fine lines.SpikeBubba Irwin is the owner of Old Town Ink in Scottsdale, AZ. He has 7 years of experience and specializes in realism and portraits.SpikeMatti Hixson (@MattiHixson) works at Trinity Tattoo in Virginia Beach, VA and has 10 years of experience. Hixson enjoys color realism.SpikeHalo, the owner of Black Lotus Tattoo Gallery in Severn, MD, has been tattooing for nine years. His specialty is in realism and "new skool work."SpikeDavid Bell (@DavidBellTattoo) is a tattoo artist from Fredericksburg, VA with over 20 years of experience. He's the owner of TLA Tattoos (www.tlatattoos.com) and loves black and gray work. SpikeAfter being eliminated from the season 3 competition of "Ink Master," Kyle Dunbar (@InkbyKyleDunbar) won the season finale fan vote to return after his live tattoo challenge against Chris May. He has over 20 years of experience and is the owner of Almighty Tattoo in Flint, MI.SpikeKeith Diffenderfer has 13 years of experience and is known for his bright and bold tattoos. He's currently an artist at Honor & Iron in Rehoboth Beach, DE.SpikeDescribed as the "hungry rookie" in season 4, Damon Butler (@hautedraws) only has three years of experience in the tattoo industry. He's currently a manager and artist at Extreme Fantasy in Abington, MA.SpikeLydia Bruno (@inkbyLydia) has nine years of experience and is a co-owner of Unique Arts Studio in Glens Falls, NY. She specializes in black and grey photorealism. Spike"Gentle" Jay Blondel (@Gentl_jay) has 14 years of experience and works at Alchemy Tattoo Arts in Bellmore, NY.SpikeAshley Bennett (@ashleybtattoo) has six years of tattoo experience and currently works as an artist at Body Graphics in South Windsor, CT. She describes her style as "colorful and bold."SpikeJim Francis (@TattooEdJim) is the owner of Milwaukee Ink in Milwaukee, WI and has 12 years of experience. He's known for his Japanese and black and gray photorealism.Spike