Apple is expected to launch new iPhone in October
Apple is expected to launch new iPhone in October IBTimes

Two new surveys show what many have long known-Apple's iPhone is a force to be reckoned with.

One survey, released on Wednesday by, shows that 35 percent of U.S. consumers want the yet-to be released iPhone 5. This is completely sight unseen; no one knows yet when the phone will be released, how much it will cost or what new features the phone will have.

Yet 35 percent of U.S. consumers want it.

The survey even factored in whether the person had recently bought an iPhone 4, and even then the iPhone 5 was still desired.

Another survey, conducted by Nielsen, shows that the Apple iPhone owns 28 percent of the smartphone market, putting it at first or second in the smartphone rankings, depending on how you look at it.

Google Android has the advantage in numbers of phones that use its operating system, but Apple is number one as a sole manufacturer for a phone.

These two new surveys just show what a formidable beast Apple and its iPhone have become. The hype surrounding all Apple products is through the roof, but yet the products continue to back it up. A perfect example is Apple's immediate success with its new operating system, the OS X Lion. On just the first day it was available, over one million people downloaded the system.

Apple posted monstrous second quarter numbers and recently broke the $400 share price mark for the first time in the company's history. And if these surveys indicate anything, don't expect the momentum to stop anytime soon.

Americans are buying Apple products at a scorching pace and with each new purchase become more entrenched within the Apple ecosystem. Owners of Apple products don't just stop with an iPhone purchase; instead they are also buying Mac computers and recently, iPad tablets.

In its most recent quarter Apple sold 9.52 million iPads, despite the product only being on the market for less than a year. Part of that success has to be tied to high consumer confidence in Apple products.

One scenario could be consumers liked their iPhone or Mac computer and felt confident to buy a tablet from Apple. Or perhaps they were a first time buyer of an Apple product and had heard something good about the company through a friend or through the media.

It's the confidence that Apple will produce a quality product that makes it easy to believe that 35 percent of consumers would want an iPhone 5, despite knowing nothing about it.

And that number is only going to continue to go up.

When the iPhone 6, or whatever Apple decides to call it, is released -- don't be surprised to see that 35 percent move up to 50 percent, or even 60 percent.

Consumers want quality products, and Apple has the biggest share of them to offer.