Democratic strategist James Carville received praise on Twitter after he spoke out against the media coverage attacking President Joe Biden for the consequences of pulling U.S. troops out of Afghanistan.

During a conversation with Brian Williams on Wednesday night, Carville reflected on the backlash Biden has faced as people try to get out of Afghanistan before the Aug. 31 deadline in which U.S. troops are expected to pull out of the country.

“There’s no elegant way to lose a war. We lost this war 15 years ago, all Joe Biden’s is just telling us what time it is. And the hysterical and stupid coverage of the mainstream press has been awful,” he told Williams.

On Thursday, Carville’s name became a trending topic with people praising him for sharing his honest opinion about Afghanistan.

“James Carville puts it plain and I appreciate that - we lost a war - we lost it long ago - and there’s no cute way out of it,” one person wrote.

Meanwhile, one person suggested Carville’s statement will eventually be admired and remembered.

“History is going to agree with James Carville. The war needed to end. The explosion at the Kabul airport is tragic, but we need to keep moving and get as many people out of there as we can,” the individual wrote.

During his appearance on the show, Carville went on to suggest the evacuations from Afghanistan have been “going much better than a lot of people expected.”

“It looks bad. The country looks bad. When you lose a war, you don’t look good. This war was lost a long time ago. Joe Biden had nothing to do with it. He wanted us out before that,” he added.

James Carville
With all the talk about the Supreme Court case challenging President Barack Obama's health care legislation and the tough beating it took over the past few days, it's hard to sort through the policy and the politics. REUTERS