Sex offender Jeffrey Epstein
Jeffrey Epstein in Cambridge, MA on 9/8/04. Epstein is connected with several prominent people including politicians, actors and academics. Epstein was convicted of having sex with an underaged woman. Rick Friedman/Rick Friedman Photography/Corbis via Getty Images

Jeffrey Epstein, the wealthy financer that has been charged with sex trafficking minors, may have attempted suicide while residing in a Manhattan federal jail.

Epstein, 66, was found injured and semi-conscious in the fetal position inside his jail cell by the facility’s guards on Wednesday night, NBC New York reported. He reportedly had marks visible on his neck.

While the circumstances into Epstein’s injuries are unknown, the incident is being investigated by jail officials as a possible suicide attempt, TMZ reported.

A source for NBC New York said it is also possible that Epstein was attacked by another inmate while another source said he may have suffered self-inflicted injuries in an attempt to be transferred to another jail.

Jail officials have reportedly questioned Nicolas Tartaglione, another inmate who was a former Orange County, New York, police officer charged with killing four men in 2016, about the incident. Tartaglione, who prosecutors are seeking the death penalty in his case, denies seeing the incident with Epstein take place, CNBC reported.

“Any suggestion that Mr. Tartaglione assault[ed] anyone is a complete fabrication,” Bruce Barket, the defense lawyer for the former police officer told the news outlet. “This story is being leaked to retaliate against Mr. Tartaglione for complaining to the court about the deplorable conditions at the MCC.

“We made those complaints on Monday in open court ... We warned the judge that officials at the jail would retaliate against Nick because we have been exposing the inhumane conditions at the facility,” he continued.

Epstein is expected to survive his injuries and is currently under suicide watch, TMZ reported.

Epstein, who is currently awaiting trial, was denied bail of $100 million. He is facing up to 45 years in prison if he is convicted. He is also a registered sex offender.