Joe Biden Support Grows As Former Bush Administration Officials Form Group To Endorse Democrat
Republican opposition to Trump’s re-election is set to grow with the establishment of “43 Alumni for Biden,” a super PAC launched Wednesday to support Joe Biden’s campaign for the presidency. Composed of hundreds of former staffers from the George W. Bush administration, the group aims to convince right-wing voters put-off by Trump to vote in November for the presumptive Democratic nominee.
“For four years, we have watched with grave concern as the party we loved has morphed into a cult of personality that little resembles the Party of Lincoln and Reagan,” Karen Kirksey, director of the PAC and a former staffer for Bush’s 2000 campaign, explained in a statement. “Once elected, we look forward to working in a bipartisan way through civil, spirited debate on the many important issues facing Americans today and for decades to come.”
Kirksey also emphasized in the announcement of the PAC that its intentions do not come from support of Biden’s political stances, but rather an opposition to Trump’s actions as president. She further stated that there is an “urgent need to restore the soul of this nation.”
The group plans to produce a number of ads featuring high-profile right-wing voices praising Biden as a candidate. They will also be hosting events to encourage voters in competitive states to vote against Trump.
John Farmer, another member of Bush’s 2000 campaign, explained that the PAC’s Republican majority was looking for some outlet through which to oppose Trump’s candidacy, as they have mostly never campaigned with Democrats before. He also claimed that the group, while mostly Republican, also include some Democrats and independents in its ranks.
“43 Alumni for Biden” is the latest in a string of groups made up largely of disillusioned Republicans working to oppose Trump in 2020. In June, Matt Borges’ “Right Side” PAC launched, calling Trump “existential threat” to both the Republican Party and the U.S. overall. “Republican Voters Against Trump” was also formed in May, spending $10 million on pro-Biden, anti-Trump commercials in major swing states.
Representatives for Bush himself have confirmed he is aware of the group, but will not be making any statements about his support or disagreement with its aims. One spokesman for Bush said he is not interested in getting involved in the 2020 election.

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