Kate Middleton Cover: Is The Satirical Image Of The Duchess' Rotten Teeth Funny Or Cruel?

A supposed cheap shot was taken at the Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton, when a magazine cover was photoshopped to make her look like her teeth were rotting out of her mouth.
The New Republic, an American magazine, morphed Middelton's chompers into an old American stereotype of British dentistry for a politics and arts issue regarding the future of Britain -- clearly, the magazine doesn't think much of their former motherland's future or their dentition.
The 30-year-old duchess is portrayed on the cover of The New Republic with tattered yellow teeth next to the headline, Something's Rotten. The Last Days of Britain.
The inside of the magazine has several articles that talk about the United Kingdom's current state as the Summer Olympics in London approach, the Daily Mail reported.
One hopes Middleton doesn't take the photoshopped image to heart, if she is aware of it. Judi James, who styles herself one of the UK's leading body language/behavior experts, told the Sunday Express that it was Kate's smile that won over Prince William.
Kate's smile and her ability to hold it is a major asset, James said. Normally it's impossible to hold a genuine smile for 10 minutes straight. I've tried and couldn't. She's practiced a lot.
Not only is Kate's smile what helped her snag her husband, she reportedly spent thousands of dollars to have her teeth straightened and whitened.
A French dentist, Didier Fillion, was hired to straighten her teeth, but keep them out of line, just a little, so they appear beautifully natural, the Daily Mail reported.
The British newspaper added that a perfect smile from Fillon can take from six months to two years and anywhere from 4,000 to 11,000 euros ($5,000 to $13,500).
He did some little micro-rotations on Kate, dentist Bernard Touati revealed. That's why they look so good - because they are not perfectly aligned.
The problem in the United States is they have very artificial vision. But what we like is a natural healthy smile, but not artificial.
Naturally the Britons feel it's their duty to take shots at Americans and their artificial view of beauty, assuming all Americans feel that artificial beauty is supreme.
The debate over whether the satirical image is funny verses cruel can be seen played out in the comments about the New Republic article.
Not cool. I am not an imperialist (not even close!), but she seems to be a genuine person. She is young, beautiful, and privileged. Apparently grave sins to many people, one commenter said.
Yet I wonder if these are the same critics who keep up on the Kardashians, or whatever flavour of the month Hollywood squirts out.
She is a person who did not deserve this low blow. Shame on them. I will wouldn´t even think to read anything from them ever again.
One said it was absolutely ridiculous while another person added that the magazine should be sued for libel.
A Canadian named Lee said, What else can one expect from a Republican magazine, they probably dislike themselves. Satire or not, it is still very disrespectful.
While those upset by the image might be the ones commenting, they're not the only ones who have something to say about the photo.
It's satire, get over it! I for one think she still looks lovely with rotten teeth. I'm reminded of the poem 'English teeth' by Spike Milligan, one reader posted.
Another said, How kind of the Brits to come to the defense of someone in the hyper-privileged, wealthy, elite class. After all, when a royal of ethereal beauty is parodied by an obscure magazine from another country, well by GOD that is a serious issue and should not be tolerated. The consequences are UNTHINKABLE!
Do you think The New Republic went too far when they photoshopped a picture of the Dutchess to make her look like she had atrocious gnashers?
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