Two cabinet ministers and the head of the Brazilian Senate said Wednesday they had tested positive for new coronavirus, but President Jair Bolsonaro again warned against what he called "hysteria" surrounding the pandemic.

The far-right president, whose casual response to the crisis has triggered outrage among his critics, also became a target for online mockery for what some said was his egregious misuse of a face mask during a news conference.

Bolsonaro repeatedly removed his mask, let it dangle by a strap from his ear and at one point even got it stuck over his eyes -- a route for transmitting the virus -- leading one Twitter user to label the video: "How not to use a face-mask."

Bolsonaro acknowledged the "gravity" of the pandemic which has killed more than 8,700 people globally, but said: "I want to calm the Brazilian people.... We can't let ourselves go into hysteria."

The news conference, his first since the coronavirus crisis began, appeared to be an effort to show leadership on the issue and shut down criticism over his response.

Bolsonaro appeared side-by-side with his top ministers, all wearing face masks, but removing them to talk.

It came on the same day three more top officials tested positive for COVID-19: Senate president Davi Alcolumbre, Mining and Energy Minister Bento Albuquerque, and National Security Minister Augusto Heleno, one of the president's top advisors.

Brazilian National Security Minister Augusto Heleno, pictured in 2019, said he would not be taking calls while in isolation at home
Brazilian National Security Minister Augusto Heleno, pictured in 2019, said he would not be taking calls while in isolation at home AFP / EVARISTO SA

With the two cabinet members, a total of 17 people have now tested positive for the virus who accompanied Bolsonaro on a trip to the United States earlier this month to meet with President Donald Trump.

They include his communications chief, another senator and Brazil's top diplomat to the US.

Bolsonaro has tested negative for the virus, as has Trump.

But Bolsonaro has been attacked for ignoring his own health ministry's recommendations in the aftermath.

He shook hands and took selfies with supporters at a rally Sunday, even though the ministry recommended he isolate himself because of his contact with infected officials.

And he plans to celebrate his 65th birthday Saturday with a party.

Brazil -- the biggest country in Latin America, with 210 million people -- has confirmed 428 coronavirus cases.

Officials in Sao Paulo, the economic capital, reported three more deaths from the virus Wednesday, bringing the country's total to four.