migraine headaches
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  • Migraine attacks can be debilitating, especially when your pain threshold is very low
  • Health experts would often recommend over-the-counter painkillers to alleviate the symptoms
  • There are natural supplements that could help you fight migraine

In the UK, one of the most common health complaints is migraine. The illness affects approximately one in every 15 men and about one in every five women. Migraine attacks usually bring about mild or severe headaches. An attack, however, can also lead to more symptoms like an increase in sensitivity to sound or light and feeling sick.

To alleviate migraine symptoms, health experts oftentimes recommend over-the-counter painkillers. Although these medications can take the edge off migraines, taking them often can cause the worsening of the condition. There are natural alternatives to conventional medication, and if you are looking for one, there are several options proven to alleviate migraine symptoms.

Riboflavin or Vitamin B-2

There is still a need for scientific studies to clearly elucidate how or why riboflavin or vitamin B-2 helps in preventing migraine attacks. According to Mark W. Green, MD, riboflavin may have an effect on the manner cells metabolize energy. Dr. Green is a director of headache and pain medicine and a professor of neurology, anesthesiology, and rehabilitation medicine at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.

In a study review, which was published in the International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research, its findings state that riboflavin may play a role in alleviating migraine attacks. It performs this by lessening the duration and frequency of such attacks with no grim side effects.

Clifford Segil, DO, for his part, said that to obtain maximum benefits, it is recommended for you to take two 100 mg tablets at least two times per day. Dr. Segil is a neurologist at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, California.


The American Migraine Foundation said that a daily dose of between 400 and 500 mg of magnesium could help prevent migraine attacks in some people. The health organization stated that magnesium is particularly effective for migraines linked to menstruation and those that are accompanied by an aura or visual changes.


Oftentimes referred to as a sleep hormone because of its role in sleep cycle regulation, melatonin may also lessen the incidence of migraine attacks. The Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry published a study that found melatonin is better tolerated and, in most instances, more effective compared to the drug amitriptyline. This drug is usually prescribed by health professionals for migraine prevention. Amitriptyline, however, can cause side effects.

Alternative Treatment

The National Health Service also said that alternative treatment options like acupuncture have also been proven to be effective in lessening the duration and instances of migraine attacks. Acupuncture is an ancient oriental remedy that involves the insertion of fine needles at various points in the body.

This treatment option has been used both for preventative and therapeutic purposes. Studies show that an acupuncture treatment plan consisting of ten sessions between a five and eight week period can provide huge benefits for migraine sufferers.