Lacey Spears Tried Blaming Son She Allegedly Poisoned: Report

Lacey Spears, a suburban New York mother, not only told investigators she did not poison her 5-year-old son Garnett but insinuated that he had something to do with causing his own death, The Journal News reports.
"If she gave the victim the wrong medications or if she mixed something that killed the victim, then it was not her fault because the medications were prescribed and that she did not murder the victim," Spears told police hours after Garnett was pronounced brain dead on Jan. 23, according to Westchester County prosecutors.
Spears, 26, who was nicknamed “mommy blogger,” allegedly told investigators her son "would once in a while play with his feeding tube and could have put something in it,” the news site wrote.
She was arrested and charged in June -- five months after her boy's death -- with one count of "depraved murder" and one count of first-degree manslaughter. Spears pleaded not guilty. The charges could result in a maximum sentence of 25 years to life, People magazine wrote.
"Lacey is completely devastated by the loss of her son and absolutely denies harming her son in any way," her attorney, David Sachs, said in an email to
Police who interviewed Spears after her son’s death said she “looked visibly distraught but showed no sign of tears,” according to the Journal News.
Prosecutors suspect Spears, who lives in Chestnut Ridge, Rockland County, poisoned Garnett by pouring sodium chloride or salt into his feeding tube for the four days that preceded his death, documents filed with Westchester County Court Friday revealed. Prosecutors believe salt poisoning sent Garnett to the Nyack Hospital emergency room and suspect she continued to pour salt into his feeding by taking him to the bathroom while he was there. He was airlifted to Maria Fareri Children's Hospital in Valhalla, Westchester County, after the sodium spike, where met his untimetly demise on Jan. 23.
Authorities think Spears might have Munchausen syndrome, where a parent hurts a child for sympathy. Initially, Garnett suffered from a “mystery illness.” Spears blogged about his sickness on social media, People magazine reported. It was later revealed Garnett also suffered from high sodium levels as a baby.
Spears’ lawyer said he is not pursuing a psychiatric defense in the case, so prosecutors will not be allowed to bring up Munchausen syndrome by proxy.
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