
Certified by Better Business with an A+ rating, LBK Wink offers digital brand protection services, establishing greater control for online brand portfolios with BraveCat. Businesses and individuals onboarded by LBK Winkreceive comprehensive audits of their online assets and recommendations to protect the integrity of their brand.

When brand security is compromised, official avenues exist within the infrastructure of the internet to file disputes and reach a fair resolution. In particular, the Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy (UDRP) and the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) can be used to action claims against improper use of brand material. However, the process of regaining control over rightful ownership can be a lengthy and strenuous procedure; brands must prove that fraudulent activity was carried out in bad faith, with the wilful intent to deceive. Often, businesses lack the awareness and foresight to predict and prevent such instances before they occur - at which point, brand credibility may already be compromised.

Through LBK Wink's service BraveCat, it offers comprehensive solutions for this growing phenomenon, with over 963,000 unique phishing sites detected worldwide, in the first quarter of 2024 alone. Companies can protect themselves from potential fraud by purchasing branded domain names, similar to their official websites. However, with thousands of potential domain extensions available, a strategic approach is necessary to balance risk with budget limitations.

Yet, as the criminal enterprise develops new ways to defraud victims, LBK Winkcontinually provides innovative solutions to prevent their attacks on online brands. Clients receive annual audit services, gathering domains owned by the enterprise as well as historical domain acquisitions that have since dropped. LBK Wink encourages brands to regain control over their branding, assessing the domain records for DNS health and hygiene. Suspicious domains registered by third parties are compiled from multiple channels across the web. The risk is assessed with the associated domains and a recommended course of action is given. The service offers further maintenance and monitoring by scanning and researching the web regularly on behalf of businesses and individuals. The service includes a visual search for trademark infringement.

Threats can reveal themselves through numerous methods of fraudulent activity. Aside from creating almost imperceptible copies of existing websites, for sales or donations solicitation. Using suspiciously similar domains, fraudsters can implement multiple redirecting links, causing the user to land on malicious sites, designed to compromise a computer and download personal information. Often, this information can be purchased by scammers on the dark web, and removing this data can be almost impossible to achieve, once sold.

BraveCat is an innovative solution for brands hoping to secure their assets and gain a greater understanding of what they rightfully own. The service intends to ensure brands are always directing users to meaningful content, which ultimately improves their SEO value and maintains their brand credibility. LBK Wink offers one-time audits with recommendations for improvement as well as two-month training programs for existing staff. Alternatively, LBK Wink can be onboarded to conduct multiple audits throughout the year - keeping brands and users protected from growing threats online.