dreadmaster darius
Dreadmaster Darius Riot Games

It’s patch day for League Of Legends, which means the fans get to see what skins Riot has been cooking up for patch 7.10. On Monday, a teaser for a new Lee Sin skin appeared on the League of Legends Facebook and Instagram pages that featured the blind monk seeing again. “Immortal sight cannot be obscured” was the caption to the video which shows what happens when you take the bandages and start fighting for real.

UPDATE: Turns out that blind monk is now God Fist Lee Sin, a Legendary skin that costs 1820 RP. He’s ascended to a new form, one that has golden glowing hands like Iron Fist. Every Lee Sin main in the universe is going to have to pick this skin up, I’m sure Cloud 9's Rush is already drooling over this as we speak. Let it speak for itself.

god fist lee sin
God Fist Lee Sin Riot Games
God Fist Lee Sin looks good in any angle. Surrender@20

The other teased skin, which I am a bit more excited about, is for Dreadnova Darius. We got our first Dreadnova skin, Gangplank, not to long ago and it seems Riot is really vibing with this space crusade theme. Darius, the dunkmaster extraordinaire, has a chainsaw axe now, something that wouldn’t look out of place in a Warhammer 40k game. He’s got a jetpack to zoom up in the air and strike his foes, as well as green VFX to show what happens when you bleed around a Noxian in space.

Dreadnova Darius is only available through Hextech Crafting, you’ll need 10 gemstones to get it.

Riot has been doing an amazing job with their skins recently, I can’t wait for April 1 to come and get my hands on those URF day skins. It’s good to see them embrace the weird, without overdoing it and making cheap looking products.

How do you like these two skins? Tell us in the comments.