Minions are not getting updated, sadly Riot Games

On Friday afternoon, a teaser for a new League Of Legends Pulsefire skin was released on Riot’s social media accounts. It’s just one in a long line of correct guesses from a reddit post from early April, which listed a ton of skins and two new champions. So far, the post has correctly predicted Dark Star Kha’Zix, Orianna and Cosmic Reaver Master Yi, along with the two newest champions Rakan and Xayah – though they were labeled as “The Harpy and The Phoenix.”

reddit leak
The leak from reddit, filled in with what's already been revealed. Reddit

Nobody's entirely sure where the post came from since the original post has been deleted along with any remnants of the account that posted it. It’s unclear who even posted it: was it a Riot employee, a disgruntled maintenance worker who saw the white board with all future releases, or just a random person who got ahold of some information that wasn’t meant for them? At this point, I believe the post is 100 percent accurate . Lightning doesn't randomly hit six times in a row.

Like all major game companies who work months on a project to impress fans, Riot really doesn’t like leaks. I’m sure the original poster has been heavily reprimanded and won’t be enjoying any cool sneak peeks from now on. The question now is: does Riot release the rest of the skins they have in the works even though the fans know they are coming or do they scrap what they’ve made just to throw a curveball?

Here’s a look at the rest of the leaked skins and reworks, and when we can hope to see them on Summoner’s Rift:

Star Guardian Ezreal/ Syndra- Following the full female cast of Star Guardians released in November, it would be no surprise if Riot wanted to add a few more members to the Sailor Moon inspired cast. Out of the whole leak, I believe that these are the only ones that might not be real. It looks like Pulsefire Ezreal might be reworking when the new Caitlyn skin comes out. Maybe the leaker confused the two skins?

Omega Squad Veigar/ Twitch/ Fizz- I want a death squad of yordles and rats to stomp around the Rift, Ome Sqaud is one of the darker skin themes in League. Veigar has always been my favorite champion and the little purple prince of power deserves some love. Final Boss Veigar is nice, but I want something a bit more sinister. If these skins are ever going to come out, they are going to have to do it in the next few PBE patch cycles. The last two PBE cycles have contained leak skins, so it makes sense for these to come next.

Urgot Rework- Shotgun knees and meat grinder stomachs sound a little insane, but totally reasonable for Riot Games to put into League Of Legends . Urgot is the master butcher, it’s time he actually lived up to his gross title. The next rework will be Urgot’s, I wouldn’t be surprised to see a tease somewhere in the next couple of months.

Evelynn Rework- The blue stealth bomber had her rework leaked as well. She’s now naked, has tentacles and has an entirely new stealth mechanic. Basically as evil as Urgot, but way sexier. Once Urgot gets unleashed on the world, Evelynn won’t be far behind.

Angelblade Riven- The lady with a sword bigger than her body has a huge fan base, so it isn’t surprising that Riot feels the need to give her another skin. Angelblade is an entirely new archetype, so I’m unsure what it would even look like: maybe a cross between Arclight and Diablo ? If this skin comes out at all, it will be in the next PBE patch cycle. The Darkstar skins are taking Patch 7.9 to some evil stuff, which gives us plenty of room for Riven’s new duds.

Demonblade Yasuo- Yasuo mains would do anything to make their samurai look more like their other favorite video game “edgelord,” Reaper from Overwatch, so this skin is no surprise. Demonblade Tryndamere was one of the first Legendary skins added to League and it’s age shows. Imagine what Riot can do with the corrupted berserker theme in 2017; I expect a very angry sword.

Do you think the League of Legends leak is real or are we all just getting punked? Tell us in the comments.