New001 discuses changes coming to League Of Legends Riot Games

Riot Games just dropped a huge Developer Update for League Of Legends, filled to the the brim with reworks for runes, the honor system and keystone masteries. Now that the legacy client has officially been retired, Riot’s developers are moving at a breakneck pace, completely overhauling all of the annoying parts about playing their MOBA.

Here’s what Lead Producer New001 had to share with the League Of Legends community. Remember that these are all subject to change.

Runes- For November’s preseason, Runes and Masteries will be getting a major overhaul. “Runes Reforged” combines the Rune and Mastery page into one easy-to-use location that can be changed in champion select. There are major and minor runes, each with their own special ability. Major runes have abilities like “Overheal.” which grants a shield to champions if they heal with an ability past their max health. There will be more details about the program coming out later this week.

Since the beginning of League Of Legends, players have had to choose between buying a new champion or getting some new Runes. Most of a player’s IP went into these modifiable stats, leaving little left over for icons or anything else. Soon, Runes will be free, allowing you to spend your hard-earned IP on that Volibear you’ve always wanted to own.

Keystones- Riot Games has always struggled with balancing Keystone Masteries; they are either to strong and everyone has to pick them, or to weak and nobody wants them. With the “Runes Reforged” rework, Riot is making Keystones have a larger impact on the game. Here are just a few examples New001 showed off in the update:

Berserk- After attacking for three seconds, Berserk grants you a 60 percent attack speed boost and raises your max attack speed.

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Perxie is kind of cute Riot Games

Perxie- A little bunny pet with a unicorn horn that follows you around. You can send her to allies to give them a shield or to damage enemies.

Honor Rework- Riot is doing away with the old Honor system, which didn’t really do anything but give players who play a lot a little ribbon on their player portrait. After a game ends, you’ll see a screen with all of your allies, with three different honoring options. You can only honor one teammate per game, so you can’t just spam honors to all your friends. There’s “Stayed Cool” for when your allies didn’t flame, “Great Shotcalling” for when your jungler actually starts a good teamfight, and “GG” for those players you just enjoyed playing with.

There are different rewards for being honored. The video doesn’t go into detail, but we can see that you’ll get special loading screens and “honor capsule drops” if you can get honored by one non-premade team or two pre-made ones. New001 says they want to overhaul the reward system in League of Legends , focusing on playing rather than grinding.

Voice Comms- They are working on it, though they have no tangible information to share.

How do you feel about these changes? Let us know in the comments.