Leiby Kletzky: Suspect Levi Aron Kept Missing Brooklyn Boy for Hours, Thousands Mourn Death

Leiby Kletzky, the missing Brooklyn boy who was found murdered and dismembered on Wednesday, spent more than half of a day hours with his alleged killer Levi Aron.
Aron allegedly told police that he spent more than 12 hours with kletzky, 8, and took him to a wedding outside New York City before killing him.
Aron, 35, allegedly confessed to murdering Kletzky on Wednesday in a 450 word confession, according to NBC.
In that statement, Aron claimed that Kletzky asked him for a ride to a book shop, but had changed his mind and wasn't sure where he wanted to go.
NBC detailed the transcript as follow:
So I asked if he wanted to go for the ride - (a) wedding in Monsey - since I didn't think I was going to stay for the whole thing since my back was hurting. He said OK, Aron said, according to the transcript.
Due to traffic, I got back around 11:20 p.m. ... so I brought him to my house thinking I'd bring him to his house the next day, he added. He watched TV then fell asleep in the front room. I went to the middle room to sleep.
But when Aron was ready to leave the following morning, Kletzky was still sleeping.
So I woke him and told him I'll bring him to his house ... when I saw the flyers I panicked and was afraid, he said. I was still in panic ... and afraid to bring him home. That is when I went for a towel to smother him in the side room. He fought back a little bit.
Kletzky's disappearance on Monday led to a massive search involving members of the Orthodox Jewish community, the New York Police and the FBI.
Kletzky was returning from a day camp in Brooklyn, walking home by himself for the first time after asking his mother for permission to do so. He was supposed to meet his mother at a designated spot but never showed up.
Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly has said he believes Aron may not have intended to kill the Kletzky.
Aron is a stock clerk at the Empire State Supply Co. hardware store on McDonald Avenue in Kensington. A co-worker told a local Brooklyn news outlet that Aron showed up to work on Tuesday and appeared completely normal.
Aron's ex-wife, Debbie Kivel, has said she is shocked that her former husband is arrested in connection Kletzky's murder.
The two-day search for Kletzky led authorities to Aron's kitchen where they found stained towels stuffed in a black garbage bag, blood smears on the refrigerator handle and three large carving knives and a cutting board inside, according to the Wall Street Journal.
Detectives found Kletzky's feet in a plastic bag inside the freezer. The boy's other remains were found in a suitcase in a dumpster close by.
Aron was charged with murder on Wednesday, the same day Kletzky was buried.
Kletzky's funeral drew a huge crowd that packed the streets surrounding Congregation Heichal Hatefilah, which is one block away from the boy's Borough Park apartment, Wall Street Journal reported.
The article stated that there were hundreds of men in black suits standing on 56th Street, just north of the synagogue; women were on the south side, on 57th street. The men stood hushed during the funeral, which didn't get under way until after 9 p.m. The mourners spoke in Yiddish and Hebrew and fought back tears, the Wall Street Journal article stated.
I don't think the Kletzkys had an enemy in this world, said Shmuel Eckstein, a friend of the family, told the Wall Street Journal. He said the boy's father made a living driving a passenger van. In the summer, he would drive back and forth to the Catskills.
Leiby was an angel, he said.
The gruesome murder has some parents thinking twice about sending their children out alone.
We're not going to allow our kids to go anywhere alone, said Rachel Richter to the Wall Street Journal. My 10-year-old, I'm not going to let him go half a block alone.
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