A Little League World Series player on Utah's Snow Canyon team suffered a fractured skull after falling off his bunk bed on Monday at the players' dormitory in Pennsylvania.

Easton Oliverson, 12, nicknamed "Tank," was put into a medically induced coma at Geisinger Janet Weis Children's Hospital in Danville. As of Wednesday, he was capable of slowly waking up, waving and drinking water, according to a post with the most recent updates on the "Miraclesfortank" Instagram.

"This morning's updates have us all in tears of joy. We couldn't be prouder of our Easton, and more grateful for the prayers that have helped him get to this point," the post said.

"I don't think we can emphasize enough how grateful we are for the love, support, and prayers. Jace wanted me to emphasize that while Easton is making TREMENDOUS progress, he still has a very long road ahead," read the post.

Doctors said on Tuesday that his CT scans have shown positive results.

"As of the afternoon of Tuesday, August 16, Little League officials spoke with Easton's family and were pleased to hear that his medical team remains encouraged by his progress," Little League International said in a statement. "At the request of his family, Little League International encourages all to join us in keeping the Snow Canyon Little League player and his family in our thoughts and prayers, as we wish for a full and complete recovery."

Donations to help medical expenses can be sent to a Venmo account made for the cause "@MiraclesForTank."

The Little League World Series is scheduled for Aug. 17 to Aug. 28. The Snow Canyon team is the first from Utah to make it to the series since it started 75 years ago.