avoid this food on christmas to prevent high blood pressure
avoid this food on christmas to prevent high blood pressure Jill Wellington - Pixabay


  • High blood pressure can be triggered by foods that you eat
  • This holiday season, you are at risk of developing the condition if you are not careful
  • One food that you must avoid is a type of cheese

High blood pressure occurs when the force of the blood pressing against blood vessel walls is steadily too high. When left unchecked, high blood pressure can increase the risk of developing several serious cardiovascular complications like heart disease, which happens to be one of the UK’s major killers.

The Christmas season can expose you to hidden health risks, even for a health-conscious person like you. This is because there will always be the temptation to overeat, particularly unhealthy foods.

A Delicious but Risky Treat

Cheese has always been present on the table of every Christmas day gatherings. You must be aware, however, that when you are keeping your blood pressure low, it is best to avoid cheese for the time being.

According to the British Heart Foundation or the BHF, cheese may be a good protein and calcium source, but in most instances, it is also high in salt and saturated fat. Foods that are high in salt and saturated fat increase the risk of having high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

Cholesterol is a waxy matter that flows with the blood. It has been linked to several cardiovascular problems like high blood pressure. The BHF warns that cholesterol and high blood pressure are both precursors to serious cardiovascular diseases.

While you need not completely shun the cheese board, you need to have only limited amounts when you are suffering from high blood pressure or if your cholesterol is high. The BHD said that there are cheese types that are saltier than seawater. Some of these are the feta Roquefort, cheese singles, and halloumi.

To reduce the risks, exchange high-fat cheese with lower-fat options like cottage cheese, reduced-fat cheese, or mozzarella. These cheese types are low in saturated fat and reduce the risk of high blood pressure.

There are also some cheese types that have been proven to help lower blood pressure. An example of this is the Grana Padano cheese.

During the American Society of Hypertension’s 31st Annual Scientific Meeting, results of research on Grana Padano cheese showed that one serving could lower blood pressure. The findings also revealed that its blood-pressure-lowering properties could be attributed to the peptides found in every serving of Grana Padano cheese.