magnesium deficiency symptoms crossfit athletes
magnesium deficiency symptoms crossfit athletes Wokandapix - Pixabay


  • Magnesium is an important mineral that the body needs
  • Deficiency in magnesium can manifest itself in various symptoms
  • Here are four symptoms that the body will experience

Magnesium deficiency is a condition that occurs in a lot of people without them, even knowing it. Some athletes, like those who engage in CrossFit, may not be able to afford to be deficient in magnesium since it would mean experiencing some undue physical symptoms. Being able to detect this deficiency at the earliest would allow you to treat it the soonest as well.

Some of the symptoms of magnesium deficiency appear as “normal” feelings that people experience on a daily basis. So take note of these symptoms and treat the condition the soonest as well.

Getting tired all the time

One of the most common symptoms of magnesium deficiency is tiredness. According to NHS, magnesium is an important mineral that helps in transforming the food that you consume into energy. Magnesium activates the enzyme, ATP, which when it is broken, it will release energy for the muscles. When this mineral is lacking, then the ability of the body to produce energy can lead to fatigue. So if you feel tired all the time, it could be a sign of being deficient in magnesium.

Experiencing muscle cramps

Magnesium is also important in helping muscles to relax. As per the Journal of Neural Transmission, one of the results of a lack of magnesium is experiencing cramps. With the right magnesium stores, experiencing cramped muscles will be avoided.

Being weak

Bodily systems also depend on magnesium to function properly. The body needs more than 300 chemical processes to sustain daily functions, and without the right amount of magnesium, these functions could be hampered. Examples are those that affect bone health and nerve function. This mineral is essential for the body to absorb calcium, without which, could result in weakness.

Losing appetite

Aside from the above, magnesium also helps in synthesizing fats and proteins. The latter is known to induce a feeling of being satiated. Those who don’t have the right amount of magnesium in their bodies may suffer from loss of appetite.

If you feel that you have been suffering from any of the symptoms above, it would be best to eat foods that are rich in magnesium. Among the good sources include nuts, meat, green leafy vegetables, dairy foods, and brown rice.