Man Forced Baby To Drink Beer At Party, Video Sparks Outrage

A disturbing video surfaced online allegedly showing a man forcing a crying baby to drink beer. The video, which was shared on Facebook this week, was taken down after receiving backlash from social media users.
The incident reportedly took place at a birthday party in Ferrenafe, northwest Peru. According to U.K.'s Mirror Online, the man — a teacher and the baby's uncle — first tried to offer the child a drink from a glass of wine. The child, believed to be less than six months old, was sitting on a woman's lap. It remains unclear how the woman was related to the child.
When the baby refused to drink, the man tried to force a bottle of beer into the child's mouth. Seconds later, he was seen dipping his finger into the alcoholic beverage and then into the baby's mouth.
William Daniel Camacho Diaz, who filmed the incident, identified the man as Eloy Camacho Diaz. He captioned the video: “At the birthday of Eloy Camacho Diaz, with his nephew."
The now-deleted video sparked widespread criticism on social media.
"What the hell are they thinking, a lot of people wish they had a baby and these two idiots have one?" one Facebook user wrote, according to a media report. "A judge should be acting right now," another said.
Gloria Jimenez, the head of the local education service, said a report was filed with the local officials and necessary action would be taken following an investigation.
It did not appear that the incident caused any immediate health problems to the child.
In January, an eight-month-old baby died after his mother gave the child vodka to make him sleep so she could party. The child was suffering from a viral infection days before his death but the mother refused to hospitalize him. The incident took place in the town of Shebekino in western Russia's Belgorod Oblast region.