Doug Musson, 82, passed away on Dec. 18, 2017 after a ladder fell from underneath him at his famous Christmas light display. Musson's Famous Christmas Display

A local institution in Burlington, Ontario, Canada suffered a tragic loss Monday. Doug Musson, who had become known for his massive Christmas light display on his home, died after an accident that occurred while he was inspecting the display, CBC reported. He was 82 years old.

The family confirmed the news in a statement on the Musson’s Famous Christmas Display website. Musson was on a ladder trying to find the source of water dripping onto the visitors’ pathway when the ladder fell. He died later in the hospital. A stranger to the family set up a GoFundMe page for assistance, which the family said they appreciated.

Called the “Burlington Griswold House” in reference to the film “Christmas Vacation,” Musson’s elaborate display was a staple in the Burlington community every year. It famously included a Christmas light version of a Harley-Davidson motorcycle, as a tribute to Musson’s son Cam who died in a motorcycle accident. Musson’s son Scott said the lights will stay on this Christmas, as that is what his father would have wanted.

Members of the Burlington community mourned the loss on Twitter.

Scott Musson said the family will keep the light display going for years to come in honor of the late father. Pictures of the 2016 Christmas light display can be seen on their website.