• A recent survey revealed that many Americans who work from home prefer wearing comfortable clothes
  • A number of them attested that they cannot even remember the last time they wore pants
  • Many of the respondents stated that napping helped their productivity

Results of a new survey revealed that four in five Americans who presently work from home do so in their comfy clothes or PJs. Many of them say they cannot even recall the last time they wore real pants.

The survey was conducted by OnePoll and commissioned by Mattress Firm.

Most Prefer Working From Home

The survey results also showed that seven in 10 respondents prefer working from home as compared to going to their respective offices every day. Around 44% of the respondents admit that, while they live within a couple of blocks from their workplace, they have always been late to clock in. Meanwhile, six in 10 of those polled also confessed they take naps during regular days.

many of those who work from home say they cannot remember the last time they wore pants
A year of living in hibernation has made many people more sensitive; a sharp comment, a side look or even the absence of a smile can leave people anxious and angry. Anrita1705 - Pixabay

Productivity Issues

Productivity issues about employees working from home have been raised by some sectors. Their main concern was if the flexibility offered by working from home, with all the distractions, can be bad for productivity. As it turned out and, as proven by survey results, the opposite is true.

According to the survey, 70% of the respondents feel they are more productive when working from home as compared to performing tasks in a regular office. Researchers even suggested that their naps may be helping improve their productivity.

Napping May Help

Mattress Firm sleep health consultant Dr. Sujay Kansagra said that napping may help boost alertness, mental agility, and memory. “A nap as short as 20 minutes can help rejuvenate you for the rest of the day and give you the boost you need to perform your best,” he said.

Working from home also means you are free to call any section, including your bed, as your workstation. Survey results showed 57% of the respondents worked from their beds and 52% realized they ought to get a new bed. More than half of the respondents revealed they have taken naps on the clock.

Respondents who liked working on their beds instead of desks said almost four hours of their workday is spent there. This means almost half of their workweek is spent working while on their beds.

According to Dr. Kansagra, the bed is generally viewed as a place of familiarity and comfort, particularly during uncertain times, which is why it is understandable to work from there. He added, however, that it is vital to remember the bedroom is a sleep sanctuary and must always be kept separate from the workspace.