Investors may not know that many of their technology companies played a huge part in the system design, software, features and functions. They include Intel Corp. (Nasdaq: INTC), Siemens Corp. (NYSE: SI) and General Dynamics Corp. (NYSE: GD).
The expulsion is largely forgotten today, except by the Ugandan Asians themselves and their descendants who have spread across the world
If hundreds and hundreds of teddy bears can't bring down Europe's last dictatorship, what can?
There's one developing storyline in the saga of Knight Capital Group Inc., the Wall Street market maker that lost more than $440 million Wednesday when an automated trading program it had just installed went berserk, that's not being talked about: It is being propped up by the very people it tried to screw over.
National Watermelon Day is today, and the celebration of the annual holiday has become the butt of scores of racist jokes on Twitter, despite the fact that there is no factual basis for the stereotype that black people enjoy watermelon more than people of other ethnicities.
Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei warned that the birth control program, in place for the past 20 years, has outlived its purpose.
More than 35 years after Franco’s death, the generalissimo remains a divisive figure -- detested by liberals and socialists, ignored by many, but revered by an ever-diminishing group of right-wing admirers.
A slew of the country's largest retail stores beat Wall St. July-sales estimates, a sign that this year's back-to-school season will be the best seen in years.
ECB President Mario Draghi was in policy hell Thursday after disappointing market-watchers at what was the most anticipated and important press conference of his career as a monetary policy leader.
Despite the recent passage of a new constitution, corruption in Somalia's interim government could derail progress even before it begins.
Interestingly, Iran and the Taliban have watched each other warily for the past fifteen years.
Veteran actor John Goodman teamed up with Will Ferrell?s comedy website Funny or Die to produce a parody commercial for Kentucky Fried Chicken, painting KFC as a pro-gay fast food establishment, poking fun at recent Chick-fil-A controversies.
Unconventional times require unconventional measures, and with the U.S. economy growing at a truly tepid rate, perhaps it's time to try an innovative fiscal stimulus proposal recommended by an economist about three years ago.
Four senior Mexican army officers are being accused of ties to organized crime. It's the most high-profile military corruption case in the past 15 years, and it may spell the end of a anti-drug policy based on letting the military do the work of the police
The ADP employment report out Wednesday morning seemed to have a bit for everyone, with both optimists and pessimists claiming the data release supported their views. A slightly more nuanced view of the data seems to hand the case to the bears
A top U.S. housing regulator refused on Tuesday to offer principal reductions for mortgages held by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, highlighting a sharp difference in views over the best way to aid the beleagured real estate market.
Cocaine use is down in the United States and production is down in Colombia, but is America really winning the war on drugs?
How easy is it to pick on a 16-year-old girl for cheating?
When a Zimbabwean man would rather spend life behind bars than live one more day on the streets of his nation's capital, you know things have gotten bad.
The number of unemployed people across all 17 euro zone countries soared 11.2 percent to 17.8 million in June -- up 1 percentage point from the year before, Eurostat, the European Union's statistical agency, reported Tuesday. Euro zone unemployment among people younger than 25 rose to 22.4 percent.
Japan's Ministry of Defense warns about the growing influence of the Chinese military on Beijing's regional diplomacy.
Shaking hands with Poland's free market champion is an important image for Romney. And despite being shunned by Solidarity, Romney still praised the movement for freeing Poland from the yoke of Communism.
It looks like Apple isn?t the only company rolling out Retina display. Court documents made public in the Apple vs. Samsung trial reveal that the Korea-based company is working on a tablet of its very own that incorporates this display technology.
Ebola remains a mysterious affliction; it has no cure, and no vaccine. It tends to flare up sporadically, but it can kill hundreds whenever it does crop up.
Last week Cuban President Raul Castro said he was willing to engage the U.S. in talks in an apparent bid to relax five decades of diplomatic impasse.
"This is not only damaging us but the whole [Russian] judicial system. It's a disgrace," one of Pussy Riot's lawyers, Nikolai Polozov, commented at the start of the trial on Monday.
Ross Levinsohn, the former interim CEO of Yahoo! Inc. (Nasdaq: YHOO) has left the company after it hired Marissa Mayer from Google Inc. (Nasdaq: GOOG) as its new chief executive, All Things D reported, suggesting the Silicon Valley giant's focus on its technology division over its media properties.
The wheat production downgrade, made after corn and soybean prices reached fresh, all-time highs, is a blow for global wheat suppliers, especially those in Canada and the Black Sea, which includes Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine, Barclays PLC said on Monday.
Romney has said that "there's no question (my experiences in the church) helped shape my perspective" and that his trip to Israel, which included a visit to the Wailing Wall, had a spiritual impact on him.
The U.S. Air Force's new 30,000 pound Massive Ordinance Penetrator is impressive, expensive, and possibly not enough to kill the target it's meant for