McDonald's Adds Calorie Counts To Menus

McDonald's customers across the U.S. will know how many calories they're shoving down their gullet every time they order a Big Mac, as the fast food giant announced starting Monday it will post calorie counts alongside all items listed on its menu.
The move comes ahead of sweeping requirements built into President Barack Obama's healthcare overhaul which would essentially require restaurants to post the caloric value of their foods.
McDonald's postings, which include drive-thru signs, will likely force competitors to follow suit.
"At McDonald's, we recognize customers want to know more about the nutrition content of the food and beverages they order," said Michael Mangione, Jr., McDonald's owner/operator and president of the McDonald's Operators' Association of Southern California in a statement. "We are pleased to lead efforts of displaying calorie information on our drive-thru menu boards in our continued commitment to make nutrition information available to our customers and employees in Southern California and throughout the U.S."
The fast food company is enjoying a bounce back month, with sale jumping 3.7 percent in August. Part of the increase is attributed to the brand's emphasis on low-cost meals during a global economic strain, according to NBC News.
McDonald's has been undergoing a slow image makeover, with a switch to emphasizing quality and health. Last year, it began offering fruits or vegetables with all Happy Meals.
"We've made a lot of good progress toward our nutrition commitments and we recognize there's still more to do," said McDonald's Senior Director of Nutrition Dr. Cindy Goody in a statement.
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