Meet Elizabeth Bieniek, A Disrupter In The Web3 World Whose Innovative Invention Is Enhancing The Way We Work
Creative business leader Elizabeth Bieniek is giving online employees a powerful new way to communicate – one that replaces your flat 2D screen with an awe-inspiring 3D immersive experience.
Welcome to the 21st century. A year of change, sanitation, and a step further into the future filled with digital excellence and technological advances – guaranteed to blow your mind. Until recently, movies were packed with gadgets and gizmos like flying cars, robots, and pens that triggered explosions.

And yet, while we may still be getting used to voices like Alexa and Siri, it's how technology is enhancing social interactions that are breaking boundaries.
There is no doubt that technology has become the way of the world. Nowadays, most people can't imagine a life without it. As you may well know, it gives us the power to be connected, erases geographical constraints, quenches our social thirst, and allows us to share, exchange, and explore like never before – in 2D.
But what if we could enhance our online social interactions by migrating into one that feels more 'human'?
"People will tell you, 'it can't be done.' However, that just means it's hard; other people have failed, or they don't know how to do it," says the co-founder of Webex Hologram Elizabeth Bieniek, "BUT it doesn't actually mean it can't be done."
A problem-solver at heart, innovator, writer, speaker, and soon-to-be author, Elizabeth Bieniek believes "impossible" just means no one has done it yet. With a forward-thinking attitude and a drive for change, Bieniek spent years of her time diving deep into the challenges employees working from home face and surfaced with a ground-breaking solution.
Now to decrease feelings of isolation and detachment from reality, the industry's first photorealistic holographic collaboration system, Webex Hologram, is changing how we virtually interact with each other like never before.
So, how does it work? By enabling a feeling of co-presence with photorealistic holograms in real-time, it allows interactions to "go beyond video conferencing for a truly immersive experience."
The mother of three points this revolutionary invention to her previous experience in industries as varied as technology, art, marketing, and education, as well as her life and travel experience. Not to mention, her unique flair for challenging conventional thinking and inspiring teams to achieve unprecedented results, make for one ambitious tinker.
"Our world is not flat. So when you use technology to add multidimensionality, whether that be something like holograms, or haptic interactions where you can touch and feel inside of a virtual interaction, those added dimensions are what I get excited about," says Bieniek.
She continues. "This is because you're adding elements of normal human interaction to a technology experience. Right now I can see and hear you, but if I wanted to show you how something works or get inside something, it's tough for me to convey spatial awareness of an object to you. But as soon as our technology gets closer to mirroring real life, and how we interact with the world around us, people get more engaged."
Although the idea of being more three-dimensional online sends flutters of delight in the stomachs of any creative thinker, of course, nothing beats a real-time gathering.
And doing so has been around since the beginning of time. Still, as we migrate into the realm of online collaboration, it's how we utilize this new innovative technology to enhance social interaction instead of replacing it that matters most.
"I don't ever see technology as a replacement for real life. It's getting together with someone face to face, having a beer, shaking a hand; those kinds of interactions are what I call the Holy Grail of communication – you can never fully replace that," says Bieniek. "But holograms might be the best substitute."
Regarding relationships and trust, Elizabeth Bieniek is a pioneer in the technology space, having conceptualized startups for Cisco's multibillion-dollar Collaboration & Security business. Her expertise lies in building empowered teams that effectively navigate internal corporate workings to operate like a startup and deliver bleeding-edge products and solutions inside a parent company.
"As much as we'd like to think otherwise, the entire world is run by relationships: everything in business, everything in life. It comes down to who knows who, and who you trust. That's how we sell, that's how we buy, that's how we interact," explains Bieniek. "However, when you use technology to help facilitate that connection, you can break down global barriers and help build rapport and establish trust with individuals you might not have otherwise had access to. It builds bridges."
While there is no replacement for in-person interaction, we can still feel like we are together. With pioneers like Elizabeth Bieniek creating extraordinary breakthroughs like Webex Hologram, shared online intuitive interactions for creatives, innovators, technicians, and more have never looked so good.
So, never let anyone tell you that something can't be done. Because it's not about how to get
more things done; it's about how to get the right things done. It doesn't mean just doing less for the sake of less, either. It is about making the wisest possible investment of your time and energy to operate at your highest point of contribution by doing only what is essential.
"Dream. Tinker. Build. Break. Discover. Learn. Repeat," writes Elizabeth Bieniek.
Anything is possible.
To continue exploring Elizabeth Bieniek's innovative experience, tap into the Webex Hologram website or follow her on LinkedIn. Trust us; you don't want to miss this.