• Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have a four-page document that lists all the conditions for their virtual speaking engagements
  • The Duke and Duchess of Sussex just signed a business deal with Netflix
  • Prince Harry paid $3.1 million to the Sovereign Grant for the Frogmore Cottage renovation 

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are expected to make money from speaking engagements, but those who are planning to book the royal couple have to meet their demands and conditions, as per a recent report.

The Telegraph got hold of a leaked document that outlined the conditions for booking Prince Harry and Markle as "virtual speakers." The four-page "Virtual Event Request Form" was issued by The Harry Walker Agency (HWA) and it detailed the various things that bookers have to accomplish to schedule the royal couple as speakers.

The request includes listing the details of all sponsors, connectivity contingency plan of the event and full audience list. The royal couple also wants the fee to be requested in advance and it must be paid directly from the organizer's account. They also want to be informed of the specific attire needed for the event whether it be casual or business. It also included a number of questions.

"What will the audience see on screen? Will you incorporate any branding? What will the Speaker see on screen immediately prior to and during their presentation?" some of the questions on the form read.

The royal couple also demands advance knowledge of the sponsors associated with the event including the "corporations, individuals, members of the organization and government entities or organizations" even if they are not directly involved in their presentation.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex probably want to ensure the booking because the form also asked, “If you were to lose one or more of the above sponsors, would your organiszation still be able to move forward with this event?”

The couple is very detailed and wants to know if the organizers have a contingency plan should there be technological failure or connectivity issues. The royals also want to know if the event will be publicly advertised and where. They also request for details of past speakers who have participated in the event.

According to reports, Prince Harry and Markle could charge $1 million per speech with the agency handling them, which takes pride in being "the world’s leading speakers’ bureau.”

Meanwhile, the Duke and Duchess fof Sussex just signed a deal with Netflix. They will be creating documentaries, feature films, scripted TV shows and children’s series.

Shortly after closing the deal, Prince Harry paid $3.1 million to the Sovereign Grant for the renovation costs of Frogmore Cottage where his family lived when they were still in the U.K. Prince Harry and Markle want to keep Frogmore Cottage and they have been paying rent on the property, said royal correspondent Emily Andrews.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle
Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex visit a local farming family, the Woodleys, on October 17, 2018 in Dubbo, Australia. Chris Jackson - Pool/Getty Images