Megyn Kelly Says Donald Trump Will Be At Next Fox News GOP Debate, Calls Feud 'Bizarre'

Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly is saving all of the questions she had for Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump at the Fox News GOP debate on Jan. 28 in Iowa, which the candidate skipped, for the network's next GOP debate on Mar. 3. Kelly says Trump will show up this time.
“I think he will be [participating in the debate]," Kelly told "Good Morning America" Friday. "He hasn't committed, but he will show up at that one, which is great because Bret [Baier], Chris [Wallace] and I will be moderating it. And we will just move our Trump questions from the last debate over to this debate and I’ll finally get a chance to ask him.”
Kelly did not get a chance to ask those questions in Iowa. Donald Trump skipped that debate after complaining that Fox News, and Kelly in particular, were treating him unfairly. The Republican frontrunner's feud with Kelly dates back to the first GOP debate on Aug. 6 in Cleveland, Ohio, where Kelly grilled Trump on his treatment of women. The candidate lashed out on Twitter the next day, calling the line of questioning unfair.
"It was bizarre because I became the story. He was so very focused on me that I became the story and, you know, you never want to be the story when you're a news person,” said Kelly. “You want to be covering the story so it was like an Alice-through-the-looking-glass experience.”
Kelly will again be the moderator at the next Fox News GOP debate on Mar. 3, along with fellow Fox anchors Baier and Wallace. However, Trump has yet to commit to the debate.
Despite leading in the polls for months in the lead up to the Iowa Caucuses on Feb. 1, Trump came in second behind Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas. Trump later admitted that skipping the last debate before the primary may have been costly.
"[The reason for coming in second] could've been with the debate," Trump acknowledged to reporters in New Hampshire Tuesday. "I think some people were disappointed that I didn't go into the debate."
If Trump does participate in the next Fox News debate, he should not expect any chance in Kelly's approach.
"I stand by every question I asked him and he was not the only one who had tough questions,” she said. “He was the only one, however, who complained.”
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