Michael Jackson Trial Shocker: Conrad Murray Changes Story

A day after the courtroom heard damning testimony from the doctor who performed Michael Jackson's autopsy, Conrad Murray's lawyer announced during trial proceedings on Wednesday morning that the doctor is abandoning his primary defense against manslaugher charges: That the pop star died of a self-administered dose of the potent anesthetic propofol.
According to TMZ, defense lawyer Michael Flanagan told the court that an independent study by the defense showed swallowing propofol would not produce fatal results.
Conrad's lead laywer Ed Chernoff said in opening statements that the defense would exonerate Murray by demonstrating that Jackson ingested the drug himself.
On Tuesday, the doctor who performed Jackson's autopsy testified that the star's cause of the death was homicide - not accidental suicide, as Murray's defense had previously claimed.
Dr. Christopher Rogers testified before jurors that Jackson alone wasn't responsible for his death, according to Reuters.
The circumstances from my point of view do not support self-administration of propofol, Rogers reportedly said, explaining that Jackson wouldn't have had time to self-administer the potent anesthetic and suffer respiratory arrest in the short time Murray claimed to have been away from Jackson.
Rogers also said that the level of propofol present in Jackson's blood indicated a dosage higher than the 25 milligrams Murray told police he administered his patient. Under questioning, Rogers later conceded that Jackson could have reached an IV injection site just below his knee.
Also on Tuesday, the courtroom listened to audio of Murray's initial police interrogation. More audio is expected to be presented on Wednesday.
MSNBC provided a transcript of the audio presented in court. During the interrogation, Murray spoke of Jackson's drug use and the reaction of his children upon hearing their father had died.
After they cried and cried and cried, then his daughter uttered a lot of words of unhappiness, Murray was heard saying. You know, she will live alone without her dad and she didn't want to be an orphan, and she asked me, 'Dr. murray , you said you save a lot of patients, you know, you save people with heart attacks and you couldn't save my dad? You know, I will wake up in the morning and won't be able to see my daddy.
After being told by police that drugs other than those Murray was prescribing were found in Jackson's home, he said, Surprise, surprise.
Murray insisted that he was not aware of any other medications Jackson was taking, adding that he had heard the pop star visited someone by the name of Dr. Klein three times a week. Dr. Klein is reportedly a dermatologist.
Murray reportedly was asked about a number of drugs found in the home, including Valisone (which is typically used to treat skin conditions) and marijuana.
We found a small portion of marijuana in his room. Did you know him to be a smoker? an investigator was heard asking Murray.
No, but he used excessive cologne, Murray responded.
Prosecution is expected to rest by the end of the week.
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