Michigan is giving away free Nicotine gum, patches, and lozenges starting now until the end of September. For smokers trying to quit, now is the perfect time to do so. FRED TANNEAU/AFP/Getty Images

Michigan residents, if you’ve ever wanted to quit smoking, now is the perfect time. Michigan will be offering free nicotine gum and patches starting now until the end of September.

Quitting smoking has never been easy. No matter how many health benefits come with quitting, a lot of smokers still find it too difficult to break the habit. However, Michigan is offering free help for smokers who are serious about quitting.

The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services will be offering free Nicotine gum, patches, and lozenges starting now through Sept 30. That’s over eight weeks' worth of the smoking cessation tools available to Michigan residents.

This is part of an effort to reduce illnesses related to smoking throughout the state. The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, alongside the Center for Disease Control and Prevention Tips From Former Smokers campaign.

“CDC’s Tips campaign reminds people of the harmful effects of smoking and connects them with important resources like the Michigan Tobacco Quitline,” said Dr. Joneigh Khaldun, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services chief medical executive and chief deputy director for health. “As a physician and public health professional, I know all too well the terrible toll of smoking. MDHHS is committed to helping Michiganders quit tobacco products and reduce their risk of tobacco-related illnesses like cancer and heart disease.”

Smoking kills nearly 500,000 Americans every year and is the leading cause of preventable disease and death in the country. Most smokers say they want to quit but can’t fight the urge. It’s known that when you try to quit smoking, you go through nicotine withdrawals which can be tough. The longer you’ve been smoking, the worse the symptoms. However, quitting smoking doesn’t have to be something you do by yourself. This is the goal of this project: to help smokers by giving them the help they need to quit.

The Michigan Tobacco Quitline is an evidence-based service that provides free online and telephone coaching and text messaging. As of now, more than 140,000 Michigan residents have used the Tobacco Quitline and the online coaching program to help them quit smoking.

All Michigan residents have to do is call their hotline at 800-QUIT-NOW or 800-784-8669 to get 8 weeks' worth of quitting aids. The line is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week so you can call at any time.