Miss America 2016: Meet The 52 Ladies Competing For The Crown

The Miss America 2016 pageant may not be for a few more months, but ladies from all 50 states -- plus two U.S. territories -- are already gearing up to compete for the crown. According to E! Online, each state, as well as the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, will be represented in the upcoming competition.
The site also revealed who will be featured as hosts and the judges during the pageant. Chris Harrison, who rose to fame on “The Bachelor,” will be hosting for the seventh year in a row. Scoring the competition will be teen actress Zendaya Coleman, country music artist Brett Eldredge, Paralympic athlete Amy Purdy, “Shark Tank” star Kevin O’Leary and author Taya Kyle.
While some may be familiar with the competition’s regulars, others may be wondering who’s who in the popular pageant. For those of you less familiar with the world of Miss America, we’ve compiled a list of each woman vying for the crown. Check out this year's 52 contestants below:
Miss Alabama -- Meg McGuffin
245 retweets yesterday?!? Yall rock! Let's reach 300 today! Alabama #MissAmericaVote pic.twitter.com/auHBk3YJJ7
— Miss Alabama (@MissAmericaAL) August 14, 2015
According to her Instagram page, Meg McGuffin is a member of Phi Mu sorority and attended Auburn University. Meg is an advocate of healthy living and frequently speaks out against body shaming.
Miss Alaska -- Zoey Grenier
Get to know more about me! #MissAlaska #MissAmerica pic.twitter.com/sa6HM9PnMN
— Miss Alaska (@MissAmericaAK) August 19, 2015
Zoey Grenier’s social media pages suggest that she is a big fan out the great outdoors and isn’t afraid to get down and dirty on the gun range. She is an advocate of fitness and an avid dancer. You can follow Zoey on Twitter and Instagram or add her on Snapchat: @MissAmericaAK.
Miss Arizona -- Madison Esteves
Learn a little more about me! #MissArizona #MissAmerica pic.twitter.com/iMqW4Gz1NZ
— Miss Arizona (@MissAmericaAZ) August 19, 2015
Madison Esteves' Twitter reveals that, although she regularly competes in glamorous pageants, she isn't much of a girly girl. The 20-year-old has professed to hating wearing makeup and getting her nails done. Like many Miss America competitors, she's a dancer. Esteves plans to run on a platform focused on empowering individuals with disabilities. Photos on her Instagram also suggest that, despite representing a notoriously warm state, Estevez is a big fan of snowboarding.
Miss Arkansas -- Loren McDaniel
Learn more about me! #MissArkansas #MissAmerica pic.twitter.com/Os2451uwVu
— Miss Arkansas (@MissAmericaAR) August 19, 2015
According to her Instagram and Twitter profiles, Loren McDaniel is University of Arkansas grad and a member of Kappa Delta sorority. She has been outspoken in her support of helping victims of domestic violence and plans to use that support as her platform in the 2016 Miss America pageant. She is big on family, as is evident by her numerous photos with her mother and father. Loren is a talented singer and will be showing off her skills on the Miss America stage.
Miss California -- Bree Morse
Learn more about me! #MissCalifornia #MissAmerica pic.twitter.com/gnlH4cSfFF
— Miss California (@MissAmericaCA) August 19, 2015
Bree Morse, who was first crowned Miss California in June, is standing for those suffering from Alopecia Areta. According to her Twitter, she's a bit of a cat lady -- in fact, her cat has his own Facebook page. Her Instagram account reveals she is a talented dancer and has been training since the age of two. She plans to showcase her tap dancing skills during Miss America 2016.
Miss Colorado -- Kelley Johnson
Please RT for votes! Colorado #MissAmericaVote #TGIF thank you all! __ pic.twitter.com/XreMpp8RCQ
— Miss Colorado (@MissAmericaCO) August 14, 2015
Kelley Johnson is more than just a pretty face. According to the Miss America 2016 contender's Twitter page, she's an registered nurse in an intensive care unit. Her pageant platform is based on a health initiative she started herself called PLUS. Johnson attended Grand View University where she was the captain of her volleyball team. Nowadays when she's not working at the hospital or competing for the Miss America crown, she's the mommy of an adorable English Bulldog, who frequently makes cameos on her Instagram.
Miss Connecticut -- Colleen Ward
Learn a little more about me! #MissConnecticut #MissAmerica pic.twitter.com/O9JNZZOHlE
— Miss Connecticut (@MissAmericaCT) August 19, 2015
Despite being a gorgeous and glam pageant queen, Colleen Ward's social media pages suggest she isn't afraid to get down with the boys. She grew up playing ice hockey and is an active crossfitter based on her Instagram photos. Her platform is promoting childhood literacy and her talent will be Irish step dancing. You can follow Colleen on Twitter, Instagram or Snapchat: @MissAmericaCT
Miss Delaware -- Brooke Mitchell
Bringing the heat at #MissA with a tap/twirl routine, I'm now a "Twapper"_#EmbraceTheFunk #CrownTheTwapper #MissDE pic.twitter.com/pZoh0dMrQ1
— Miss Delaware (@MissAmericaDE) August 14, 2015
Brooke Mitchell was first crowned Miss Delaware in June. She's a self-proclaimed "junk food junkie" and plans to run on the platform of volunteerism. She's a talented tap dancer as well as a baton twirler and will be showcasing those talents during Miss America 2016. You can learn more about Brooke by following her on Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat: @MissAmericaDE
Miss Florida -- Mary Katherine Fechtel
"fun fact: I drive a pickup truck." Oh goodness. pic.twitter.com/nIczAw6rRm
— Miss Florida (@MissAmericaFL) August 14, 2015
Mary Katherine Fetchtel is a pick up truck driving lyrical dancer from Florida. Her Miss America 2016 platform is Safety Net, an organization dedicated to defending young people from online predators. According to her Instagram, she loves coffee, her family and was a University of Florida cheerleader.
Miss Georgia -- Betty Cantrell
Learn a little more about me! #MissGeorgia #MissAmerica pic.twitter.com/iLHVZdvAx6
— Miss Georgia (@MissAmericaGA) August 19, 2015
Based on her Twitter, Betty Cantrell is a country girl who grew up without cable. She's a fitness fanatic and enjoys modeling and spending time visiting sick children, according to Instagram. She's competing on the platform of Healthy Children, Strong America and plans to show off her opera singing skills during Miss America 2016. You can also find her on snapchat under @MissAmericaGA.
Miss Hawaii -- Jeanné Kapela
Get to know me a little more! #MissHawaii #MissAmerica pic.twitter.com/ZN5lubsKO6
— Miss Hawaii (@MissAmericaHI) August 19, 2015
Jeanné Kapela's social media suggests she's an avid supporter of ending sex trafficking, which will be her Miss America 2016 platform. She's a native Hawaiian and, as she stated in the video above, her middle name is longer than the English alphabet. Jeanné is not an active Instagram user, though she does occasionally share a pageant related post.
Miss Idaho -- Kalie Wright
Learn more about me! #MissIdaho #MissAmerica pic.twitter.com/UWP71nJald
— Miss Idaho (@MissAmericaID) August 19, 2015
Kalie Wright is a gifted musician and she plans to showcase her singing and guitar playing skills during the 2016 Miss America pageant. She's also confessed to being a "closet rapper," though she did not reveal which artists are her favorite. Kalie's not afraid to slip out of her pageant gown and into some comfy clothes to hit the gun range, according to her Instagram. In fact, when she's not wearing heels she's a big fan of cowboy boots. Kalie regularly does aerial yoga and spends a lot of time outside.
Miss Illinois -- Crystal Davis
Fun fact: I hate shopping! I go by the 3-G method.. Get in, get your stuff, and get out!__ #MissIllinois #MissAmerica pic.twitter.com/OQvvHQ7OL8
— Miss Illinois (@MissAmericaIL) August 14, 2015
Crystal Davis is anything but a shop-o-holic, according to her Twitter. She's passionate about driving safety and has made that her Miss America 2016 platform. According to Instagram, she's a dog-mom and a talented musical performer.
Miss Indiana -- Morgan Jackson
Here is a fun fact you may not know about #MissIndiana #MissAmerica will be here soon! pic.twitter.com/ycXGT8sZdn
— Miss Indiana (@MissAmerica_IN) August 14, 2015
According to Twitter, Morgan Jackson is both a ballet dancer and a fan of hymns. She frequently shared photos of her travels -- and her daily doings -- on Instagram. She's dedicated to giving back and empowering fellow women.
Miss Iowa -- Taylor Wiebers
#FunFact: I nannied the three beautiful children of @TheIowaHawkeyes Hall of Fame kicker @Kaeding_Nate! #MissIowa pic.twitter.com/9hzDkv5nBi
— Miss Iowa (@MissAmericaIA) August 14, 2015
Not only is Taylor Wiebers a talented and beautiful Miss America competitor, she was once a nanny to former NFL player Nate Kaeding's three children. She's competing on the platform of St. Baldrick's Foundation and once shaved her head to raise awareness. Check her out on Instagram.
Miss Kansas -- Hannah Wagner
Get to know me a little more! #MissKansas #MissAmerica pic.twitter.com/gC4rDsQyfK
— Miss Kansas (@MissAmericaKS) August 19, 2015
According to Twitter, Hannah Wagner is a graceful, yet occasionally clumsy, ballet dancer. Her Instagram is loaded with photos of her accessories, pictures and videos from performances, and more. She's also on Snapchat under the username MissAmericaKS.
Miss Kentucky -- Clark Janell Davis
Fun Fact: I have a Calico named CAT. #MissKY #MissAmerica #FunFact #TimeTraveler #DyslexiaAwareness #BestMeICanBe pic.twitter.com/KiQo7teDHe
— Miss Kentucky (@MissAmericaKY) August 14, 2015
Clark Janell Davis plans to raise awareness about dyslexia during Miss America 2016. She's also going to be showcasing her singing chops, according to a video posted on her Twitter. Based on her Instagram, Clark is an avid cook, loves to laugh and smile, and frequently participates in opera performances.
Miss Louisiana -- April Nelson
Another fun fact about me- I love to water skii! #MissAmericaVote #misslouisiana pic.twitter.com/lymHuSygSY
— Miss Louisiana (@MissAmericaLA) August 14, 2015
April Nelson is an avid water skier, according to Twitter. She's also a huge fan of Audrey Hepburn. Nelson's Miss America 2016 platform is I.O.U, which stands for Improving Others through You. Based on her Instagram she spends a lot of time visiting hospitals and uplifting the sick. She's also big on family and spends as much of her free time with them as she possibly can.
Miss Maine -- Kelsey Earley
Learn more about me! #MissMaine #MissAmerica pic.twitter.com/chW58UlXYX
— Miss Maine (@MissAmericaME) August 19, 2015
Kelsey Earley was the first member of her immediate family to attend college, according to her Twitter. She plans to showcase her clogging skills during the Miss America pageant. Her Instagram suggests that, when she's not on stage, she likes to kick back and relax with friends. She appears to be big on confidence and giving back.
Miss Maryland -- Destiny Clark
Get to know me a little more! #MissMaryland #MissAmerica pic.twitter.com/kFwRNAfZkg
— Miss Maryland (@MissAmericaMD) August 19, 2015
Destiny Clark is a singer as well as a songwriter. She plans to showcase those talents during Miss America 2016. She is not active on Instagram, though she does share some Miss America related posts from time to time. You can follow her on Twitter, Instagram or Snapchat: @MissAmericaMD.
Miss Massachusetts -- Meagan Fuller
Learn more fun facts about me and my platform @AmericasPromise by visiting http://t.co/MFhkf2US3j #MissMassachusetts pic.twitter.com/rZxkYnPatR
— Miss Massachusetts (@MissAmericaMA) August 14, 2015
Meagan Fuller is competing for Miss America 2016 on an education-based platform. According to her Twitter, she spends a lot of time with family and friends who appear to be incredibly supportive of her journey to Miss America. Her Instagram suggests she's an avid dancer, love shoes and attended Tulane University. She also appears to be an advocate of fitness and healthy living. You can follow her on Instagram at @MissAmericaMA.
Miss Michigan -- Emily Kieliszewski
Learn more about me! #MissMichigan #MissAmerica pic.twitter.com/SYLOOr0DwB
— Miss Michigan (@MissAmericaMI) August 19, 2015
Emily Kieliszewski is an advocate of adoption. According to her Twitter, she speaks three different languages. At a glance at her Instagram, Emily enjoys walking dogs, spending time with her family, and performing.
Miss Minnesota -- Rachel Latuff
Fun Fact: I am a high school art teacher & educate youth from the Nett Lake reservation! @MissAmericaOrg @MissMN2015 pic.twitter.com/19MOVgNd6l
— Miss Minnesota (@MissAmericaMN) August 14, 2015
Rachel Latuff is both a Miss America contender and a high school art teacher, according to Twitter. She's passionate about education and ribbon dance. Her Instagram is full of fitness photos, cool crafts and pageant pictures.
Miss Mississippi -- Hannah Roberts
A fun fact about me is that I competed in science fair every year K-12th grade! #MissMississippi #MissAmerica pic.twitter.com/KfCTN2K4o6
— Miss Mississippi (@MissAmericaMS) August 14, 2015
According to Twitter, Hannah Roberts fancies herself something of a scientist -- she competed in her school's science fair every year from Kindergarten through grade 12. In 2005, she began a book donation program called Pages of Love, which she's using as her Miss America 2016 platform. According to Instagram, she's a fan of the beach, she's currently enrolled in medical school and she loves to fish.
Miss Missouri -- McKensie Garber
Another #FunFact I went to Space Camp in elementary school at the Kennedy Space Center.__ #MissAmerica #MissMissouri pic.twitter.com/43skClkrnw
— Miss Missouri (@MissAmericaMO) August 14, 2015
If she wasn't competing to be Miss America, McKensie Garber might be an astronaut. The Missouri native went to space camp in elementary school, according to Twitter. She's a jazz dancer and will showcase those talents during the pageant. She love coffee, dancing and her bright green Jeep wrangler based on her latest Instagram posts.
Miss Montana -- Danielle Wineman
Learn a little bit more about me!! #missamerica #missmontana pic.twitter.com/jtIdBHubRO
— Miss Montana (@MissAmericaMT) August 14, 2015
Danielle Wineman will be running on an acting based platform and, according to her Twitter, she and her dad are writing a SPAM-centric cookbook. She will be showcasing her acting talents during Miss America 2016. According to Instagram, she is a big fan of healthy eating, working out and having fun.
Miss Nebraska -- Alyssa Howell
Get to know a little more about me! #MissNebraska #MissAmerica @MissNebraskaOrg @MissAmericaOrg pic.twitter.com/DbsdipaQ0G
— Miss Nebraska (@MissAmericaNE) August 15, 2015
Alyssa Howell is a Hawaiian Pizza loving, piano playing fitness fanatic, according to her Instagram and Twitter. When she's not competing for crowns and trophies she enjoys hitting the gym and helping sick children smile. You can check her out on Snapchat: @MissAmericaNE.
Miss Nevada -- Katherine Kelley
Get to know a little more about me! #MissNevada #MissAmerica pic.twitter.com/83H1xtBVhe
— Miss Nevada (@MissAmericaNV) August 19, 2015
Katherine Kelley is a piano player who once got eaten by a zombie -- in a movie, anyway. She is not very active on social media, but does frequently share pageant-related posts. Follow her on Instagram and Snapchat at @MissAmericaNV.
Miss New Hampshire -- Holly Blanchard
#MissAmerica #MissNewHampshire pic.twitter.com/o2z7NG7mhc
— Miss New Hampshire (@MissAmerica_NH) August 14, 2015
Holly Blanchard is big on charity and can twirl a baton like no other. She'll be baton twirling and dancing during the Miss America 2016 pageant and hopes it will help her to win the crown. According to her Instagram, she's crazy about fitness and the beach. She also occasionally shares gorgeous landscape photos that will take your breath away. Check her out on Snapchat at @MissAmericaNH.
Miss New Jersey -- Lindsey Giannini
Learn more about me! #MissNewJersey #MissAmerica pic.twitter.com/JftJYZRBcH
— Miss New Jersey (@MissAmerica_NJ) August 19, 2015
Lindsey Giannini will be performing a jazz routine and showing off some magic skills during Miss America 2016. She has big dreams of winning the Daytona 500 and is opposed to distracted driving. According to Instagram, she's proud to represent New Jersey and loves to work out and get her dance on.
Miss New Mexico -- Marissa Livingston
Get to know more about me! #MissNewMexico #MissAmerica pic.twitter.com/Wprw1b9QQ5
— Miss New Mexico (@Marissa) August 20, 2015
Marissa Livingston is also a dancer and, according to a video posted on her Twitter, went to her senior prom stag. She's an advocate for sick children and, based on her Instagram posts, also a major supporter of U.S. troops.
Miss New York -- Jamie Lynn Machia
#MissNewYork: Born pigeon-toed, has "good luck" suitcase, and has visited @WaltDisneyWorld 25 times! #MissAmerica pic.twitter.com/VfhDrSGjE1
— Miss New York (@MissAmerica_NY) August 14, 2015
Jamie Lynn Machia is taking a stand against childhood cancer with her platform for the Miss America 2016 pageant. She's going to be performing a lyrical dance to a Beyoncé song and we're crossing our fingers it's amazing. The pressure is on for Machia as the title of Miss America has gone to Miss New York a whopping six times. Based on her Instagram, it appears Machia spends most of her time sipping iced coffee, giving back, and soaking up the sun either on the water or close by it. Follow her on Snapchat at @MissAmerica_NY.
Miss North Carolina -- Kate Peacock
Get to know me a little more! #MissNorthCarolina #MissAmerica pic.twitter.com/j3jVYYRgNV
— Miss North Carolina (@MissAmericaNC) August 14, 2015
Kate Peacock is a tap dancing southern girl with dreams of becoming an NFL cheerleader. She spends a lot of time with her family and appears to currently be enrolled in med school based on her Instagram. Check her out on Snapchat for more of her daily musings and get better acquainted with Miss North Carolina at @MissAmericaNC.
Miss North Dakota -- Delanie Wiedrich
Learn a little more about me! #MissNorthDakota #MissAmerica pic.twitter.com/SDLeiXmCPT
— Miss North Dakota (@MissAmericaND) August 19, 2015
Delanie Wiedrich is speaking out against bullying for her Miss America 2016 platform. She may be pretty, but she's not your average girly girl. Wiedrich knows how to weld, according to Twitter. She's also a talented guitarist and is incredibly close with her family. She often shared photos of herself with them and screen grabs of texts between her and her mom. Check her out on Snapchat for more @MissAmericaND.
Miss Ohio -- Sarah Hider
Here's a bonus fun fact: I have an orange haired cat named Purrrrince Harry _ #missohio #missamerica #funfact pic.twitter.com/meCvu4p1oG
— Miss Ohio (@MissAmericaOH) August 14, 2015
Sarah Hider is Miss America contender with a talented singing voice. She has an orange cat named Purrrrince Harry and, according to Instagram, she likes Starbucks, Chicago pizza and is an outspoken feminist. She also does a lot of yoga and has an eye for fashion.
Miss Oklahoma -- Georgia Frazier
I have two professional baseball players in my family - my dad, George & my brother, @pfraz918 #MissOklahoma pic.twitter.com/5vQE2PeliB
— Miss Oklahoma (@MissAmericaOK) August 15, 2015
Georgia Frazier is no stranger to the spotlight. Her dad was a Major League Baseball player and her brother followed in his footsteps. She's a talented singer and a feminist who enjoys family time, attended Oral Roberts University and is a member of Alpha Chi Omega sorority. She loves fitness and sports. Follow her on Instagram and Snapchat @MissAmericaOK.
Miss Oregon -- Ally Wallace
Get to know more about me! #MissOregon #MissAmerica pic.twitter.com/ziDUK2ZhJa
— Miss Oregon (@MissAmericaOR) August 19, 2015
Ally Wallace is hoping to bring awareness and education about traumatic brain injuries to the forefront by using that as her Miss America 2016 platform. She comes from a long line of tap dancers and also enjoys the outdoors and working out. Follow her on Instagram and Snapchat at @MissAmericaOR.
Miss Pennsylvania -- Ashley Schmider
Want to learn more about me? #misspennsylvania #MissAmerica pic.twitter.com/zXsZdDYtMO
— Miss Pennsylvania (@MissAmericaPA) August 13, 2015
Ashley Schmider is a Pittsburgh Pirates fan and an advocate of strong women and girls. She loves to paint and, based on her Instagram posts, she studied business administration in college and loves graffiti, tap dancing, and the gym.
Miss Rhode Island -- Alexandra Curtis
Here are some facts about your #MissRhodeIsland! Be sure to keep up voting with "Rhode Island #MissAmericaVote" pic.twitter.com/NphC4qxjm6
— Miss Rhode Island (@MissAmericaRI) August 14, 2015
Alexandra "Ally" Curtis is big into musical theater. She's currently getting a master's degree from Brown University and, according to her Instagram, she's a fun loving performer who is staunchly opposed to animal testing. She often reps for her university and shows off her cooking skills.
Miss South Carolina -- Daja Dial
Want to know another fun fact about me? I've got one heck of a British accent! #MissSouthCarolina #MissAmerica pic.twitter.com/bgFeFfFTJf
— Miss South Carolina (@MissAmericaSC) August 13, 2015
Daja Dial may be from the South, but she's does a killer British accent. She's a proud Clemson University grad and an advocate of diabetes research due to her brother having been diagnosed with the disease. Her Instagram is full of family photos, Clemson-themed posts and pageant pictures.
Miss South Dakota -- Autumn Simunek
Fun fact #2-I_@shondarhimes! Great role model for strong, female leaders everywhere! @GreysABC _#MissSD #MissAmerica pic.twitter.com/wEUluoWIbJ
— Miss South Dakota (@MissAmericaSD) August 14, 2015
Like many of us, Autumn Simunek is a Shonda Rhimes junkie. She's also big into "Harry Potter" and, according to her Instagram, loves fashion, supports our troops, and selfies. Check her out on Snapchat at @MissAmericaSD for more.
Miss Tennessee -- Hannah Robinson
Get to know a little more about me! #MissTennessee #MissAmerica pic.twitter.com/wDfHQFTuUG
— Miss Tennessee (@MissAmericaTN) August 19, 2015
Hannah Robinson is a Southern belle who can play the piano and, according to Twitter, has tried out to be on "Wipe Out" three times. Her Instagram showcases a love of the outdoors, chemistry and music.
Miss Texas -- Shannon Sanderford
Learn a little more about me! #MissTexas #MissAmerica pic.twitter.com/ZIjsGKBY31
— Miss Texas (@MissAmericaTX) August 19, 2015
Shannon Sanderford is a proponent of gender equality and female empowerment and plans to support the cause She Matters through her Miss America platform. She love documentaries, her family and beauty competitions. Check her out on Instagram for more.
Miss Utah -- Krissia Beatty
Along with the fun fact said in my video, I'm also part Native American! #missutah #missamerica pic.twitter.com/Pxn0Ylrloy
— Miss Utah (@MissAmericaUT) August 13, 2015
Krissia Beatty is dedicated to living a healthy lifestyle and helping others do the same. For this reason her platform for Miss America 2016 is a foundation called Live Well. She also plays the piano and will be showing off her talents during the pageant.
Miss Vermont -- Alayna Westcom
Want to know more about me? pic.twitter.com/7QI7RNyW3I
— Miss Vermont (@MissAmericaVT) August 13, 2015
Alayna Westcom is a passionate scientist. She'll be showcasing that talent with a demonstration during the Miss America 2016 competition. She currently works as an autopsy technician and when she's not hanging around dead people, she's big into baseball, gardening and, of course, pageants, according to Instagram.
Miss Virginia -- Savannah Lane
Thanks to @dclarkp for helping me share a little more about myself! #missva #teamva #saVAnnah #missamerica pic.twitter.com/YxITA1S7Zs
— Miss Virginia (@MissAmericaVA) August 14, 2015
Savannah Lane started Power of Performance, her Miss America 2016 platform, when she was just 8 years old. She's an aspiring FBI agent as well as a singer. You can learn more about her on Instagram and Snapchat at @MissAmericaVA.
Miss Washington -- Lizzi Jackson
Another fun fact: I built my first robot when I was 12!! #MissWashington #MissAmerica pic.twitter.com/lsh300W4Ax
— Miss Washington (@MissAmericaWA) August 13, 2015
Lizzi Jackson is beautiful and brainy! According to her Twitter she built her first robot when she was 12. She's also dedicated to promoting mentorship, as is evident by her Miss America 2016 platform. She's going to be showing off her singing voice during the pageant and, based on Instagram posts, she's big into her education, competing in pageants and helping kids.
Miss West Virginia -- Chelsea Malone
Fun fact: I bleed gold and blue. Oh, and I'm only 5'9 barefoot. Don't be scared. #MissWestVirginia #MissAmerica pic.twitter.com/LvUg3XBw8E
— Miss West Virginia (@MissAmericaWV) August 14, 2015
Chelsea Malone is a proud West Virginia University grad who is over 6-feet tall in heels, according to her Twitter. She's big on fitness and beautiful sky-scapes, according to Instagram.
Miss Wisconsin -- Rosalie Smith
#funfact _#misswisconsin #missamerica pic.twitter.com/NKHd6Hcpt2
— Miss Wisconsin (@MissAmericaWI) August 14, 2015
Rosalie Smith is a dancer with a gift for speaking with her mouth closed, according to Twitter. Her Instagram feed is full of dancing photos, pageant pictures and the occasionally silly Snapchat photo. Unfortunately, Rosalie has not listed her Snapchat on social media.
Miss Wyoming -- Mikaela Shaw
Learn a little more about me! #MissWyoming #MissAmerica pic.twitter.com/EilhKTaIWb
— Miss Wyoming (@MissAmericaWY) August 19, 2015
According to Twitter, Mikaela Shaw is a talented musician hoping to use her platform as Miss America to support other aspiring musicians. She will be appearing on behalf of Make Music Matter. Her Instagram page suggests she likes horses, spending time with family, and the occasional macaroon. You can follow her on Snapchat: @MissAmericaWY for more.
Miss District of Columbia -- Haely Jardas
Learn a little more about me! #MissDC #MissAmerica pic.twitter.com/sSoPRT82Yc
— Miss DC (@MissAmericaDC) August 19, 2015
Haely Jardas is a talented singer and aspiring stunt woman, according to Twitter. She's going to be showcasing her singing talents during Miss America 2016 and, according to her Instagram, she enjoys eating healthy. Unfortunately, she is not very active on the social media platform.
Miss Puerto Rico -- Destiny Vélez
Learn more about me! #MissPuertoRico #MissAmerica pic.twitter.com/AVn6Jt8rsH
— Miss Puerto Rico (@MissAmerica_PR) August 19, 2015
Destiny Vélez is going to be representing Puerto Rico in the 2016 Miss America pageant. She plans to show off her acoustic drum playing talents and, according to Twitter, she's a collegiate athlete. She attends Prairie View University in Texas. Destiny enjoys bowling, music and is deeply connected to her Puerto Rican roots according to her Instagram.
The Miss America 2016 pageant airs live on ABC Sunday, Sept. 13, at 9 p.m. EDT.
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